Batman 3: Leave it to the Pros

Batman 3: Leave it to the Pros

Everyone has been speculating as to the villains and plot of the next film in the Nolan series but I say to you...relax. Leave it to the professionals because I guarantee you that we cannot predict the plot for the next movie when Nolan the genius has already shocked us with his amazing films and ideas for which we were way off base of anyway. Editorials aren't really my thing but I feel I must address this issue.

Editorial Opinion
By Joker1zero - Jan 27, 2009 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: The Dark Knight Rises

I, like so many of CBM readers, have been drooling and getting hard-on's for the idea of another Batman movie and we've all be speculating as to what's gonna happen but we just can't think that well. Nolan surprised all of us with his new and innovative ideas for Batman movies, I mean who else would have thought "Okay, I'm gonna make this movie with the Joker. Somebody call Heath Ledger!"? I mean, that was a genius move and soooooo many of us thought that he was gonna throw the S with that.

Hell, even with Batman Begins, he surprised us. EVERYONE else would of course have thought to put the Joker in that one but no, Nolan took a chance and put to villains never before brought to live action before...EVER! The Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul. GENIUS! He even throws in Carmine Falcone, a plain-cloth villain who people wouldn't have even recognized to begin with unless they actually read the comic(same with Flass). Even the Batmobile. Everyone else would have made the batmobile some souped up, James Bond-esque, bad ass sports car but not Nolan. He brought in a f**king tank...well Humvee-esque vehicle but still!

Then in the Dark Knight, he puts in Heath Ledger with no back story as the Joker. As he said, the Joker has just always been and he just skipped the whole vat of acid deal. Many would have thought he was taking the lazy way out but it worked! Even his smile, he didn't have the usual rictus grin with a silly frozen smile *cough* Jack Nicholson *cough* and instead went with a Glasgow smile scar. And in classic Joker fashion, he lies about how he got them by coming up with a new story each time. Also, he skipped the whole laughing gas plot for a more sinister anarchist plot. Even when we thought we had Nolan figured out with Two-Face when we thought it was just gonna be a subtle acid burn with slight discoloration but he said "F**k that! Let's make this dude horror movie fugly" And once again it worked! You could see bone and muscle tissue but you still believe it.

Now we are all speculating as to how the next movie will go but WE DON'T KNOW S**T! Whatever we THINK Batman 3 (or Gotham or whatever the hell they are gonna call it) we will be wrong. Nolan will surprise us and at first we may go "WTF?!" but then we will be satisfied. So I say to you, have fun with your ideas because I'm sorry to say, I doubt they will come true. Don't worry, I've written a few movie ideas of my own for my site (and I thank all of you who have read and supported my ideas) but I am no Nolan or Goyer. I tried writing a Batman 3 premise when I realized everything that I have just shared with you. Take this information to heart and just be patient and eventually, we will know what is to come. Also, I will be posting my opinion as to how I THOUGHT (note past tense) the movie should go before I had this epiphany.

PS: Bear in mind that Nolan is under a HUGE amount of pressure right now. He is living up to RIDICULOUS expectations. He set the bar soooooooo high for his first to movies that Superman himself would have trouble flying high enough to reach them. He's just a man, not a god. He's fallible and is allowed to make mistakes so please be understanding of him and cool the chatter until we get some hard evidence of what is to come; no more of this Eddie Murphy and Cher bulls**t that any idiot can tell is a lie...but then again...who knows?

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zinext - 1/28/2009, 12:48 AM
yo Joker1Zero, all i got 2 say is that this is a site full of fanboys, wen u break that term down its along the lines of a "big dreamer" and a "selfish crybaby who wants there way", so people are always gonna speculate for fantasy reasons, but u are totally right about people always acting like they can think it up better, it does tend to get annoying as hell, but at the same time we see how stuborn fans can be, for example, arnt u tired of people crying about characters reprising their suits from the comics 2 movies??
MarkCassidy - 1/28/2009, 8:18 AM
Well im sure nobody comes up with Batman 3 plots with expectations of Nolan seeing them and getting ideas! Dude its just a bit of fun.
Shaman - 1/28/2009, 8:49 AM
And for the reccord, Nolan hasn't signed up yet and neither has Goyer. Meaning that DC/WB is going full throttle with Batman 3 with or without them. So be sure to check in the upcoming months to see comments from both establishing if they'll be a part of it or not. So there is actually nothing that we can base our fanboy expectations on what so ever.
Joker1zero - 1/28/2009, 11:25 AM
I was just getting a little tired of the fanart and fanfiction going around and I'm just trying to tell people to chill and take a break. Let's focus on stuff we know is gonna happen like the Iron Man 2 or something. There's just so many new headlines that pop up on the homepage and I get so excited about news from Batman 3 that I get disappointed to hear it's fan fiction or a fan's pic for a character (no offense Shaman, I know it's your thing and you're good at it) and I just hate getting my hopes up. I just wanna focus on legitimate news from Batman 3 so I can get excited without fear of disappointment.
Shaman - 1/28/2009, 12:32 PM
Actually Joker1Zero, no offense taken. I, in fact, totally agree with you. See when we work on a great editorial, it really sucks to see EVERYBODY making they're own damn editorial on the same damn matter instead of just posting on the comment section. I'm not trying to get any "monopoly" here but it's just simple logic. The "editorial" page is about 30 articles long before they disapear in the archives so there's no excuse for seeing three "daredevil" articles posted one after the other.

Most people use editorials for ranting and an editorial is much more than that. It's an unbiased opinion that also brings historical facts, logical reasoning and some philosophical views. And if there was a "Rant" tab to choose from, most of these articles would have to be reverted to that (in a perfect world). An editorial article is not a blog. It's also supposed to have much more than a few liners about a topic saying "I want it that a way" in a backstreet-fan-boy fashion.

So i actually enjoyed your article and i can't agree more. Even though i do dabble in the occasionnal fan fic storyline, i mostly specialise in casting. It is THE reason my fan site exists. And i am alarmed as you are that even though we all read everybody's take on what the new batman "should" be, from hearing about this current news, alot more fansites will be created just for the purpose of bringing us they're story. So the editorial page will again be flooded with rants and stories that all have to do with the same thing.

It's a shame that people can't be more inovative because the "requirements" of fansites primarily were to create a fan site for a very spicific "purpose" that would "differ" from the others. How many sites have you seen that have to do with Marvel??? There's like a dozen of them. And even so, i've seen people make articles about topics that don't even have anything to do with they're own fansite. I mean, it's cool for everyone to be able to make they're voices heard but that's what the "comments" section is for. Not every single opinion warrents an article.

But i'm very glad you did this one because it differs from every other and it speaks of truth and logic. I really enjoy your articles. Good job Joker1Zero!
Joker1zero - 1/28/2009, 6:46 PM
Thanks Shaman. I know, I wanted to start a fansite when I first heard about the fansite capabilities of CBM and I was excited. I was inspired by sites like yours that specialize in Casting people for movies so I decided that I love writing stories about movies and I often think "that was good but here's I would have done it or how it SHOULD have gone" so I mad a FANFIC site specializing in fanfic. I wasn't even gonna post this article because it wasn't fanfic but then I thought "no, it needs to be said". There's just too much damn clutter on Batman. I appreciate your support and totally agree about your comments thing. Also, I do agree that there are too many generic fansites. I've seen some like "women's perspective" and that "book of oa" specializing in green lantern is good and they ARE what fansites should be (yours too). I'm not trying to slam anybody but to just tell them to calm down and be patient.
Shaman - 1/30/2009, 2:48 PM
And apparently they just keep sproutin out regardless of how many there actually already are!
TheDurkinKnight - 1/31/2009, 2:27 PM
Okay, Shaman and Joker, I hear what you guys are saying, but MY perspective is that this whole website is supposed to be about something we love: comic book themed movies! I don't take ciricisms personally, but I also make NO apologies for what I write! I am in NO WAY dillusional enough to think I can outdo, or come anywhere near the Nolan Bros or Goyer, BUT, I'll damn sure have fun coming up with my ideas! I mean, that's part of the excitement of it! And yeah Joker, I see your point and I know it's a bummer when you think you're about to get a bit of news on a new Bat-Flick and it ends up being fan work, but at the same time, enjoy the fact that SO many people on this site enjoy the same thing as you! I could NEVER find this many people in real life who talk openly about comics/comicbook movies! They're either ignorant of it, or embaressed! And Shaman, dude, you're an awesome writer, but I mean, all anyone wants is to be heard, and this is their best option to get their fix, so be patient with people who are putting fourth their ideas or their comments, even if it is in the EDITORIAL section! The day this stuff stops being fun to talk to other people about is the day I stop enjoying the genre period!
Joker1zero - 1/31/2009, 5:40 PM
Fair enough Durkin. I know the point of this website is so people can do all this stuff but I just wish that people would spread out the chatter and not just focus on one specific superhero. I wanna talk about other people like the Flash or X men or whatever. This isn't it's and i want to hear more about other comic book movies. But I think the chatter is quieting down so we can move on to other stuff.
TheDurkinKnight - 2/1/2009, 3:57 PM
Dude I understand. Speaking of Flash, how do you think that movie is gonna work? I find that Superheroes whose powers are EXTREMELY specific and limited aren't nearly as entertaining as sole subjects. So while I think Flash will be really cool, I'm worried that the whole "fastest man alive thing" will get old too quickly when it's featured by itself...what do you think?+
Joker1zero - 2/1/2009, 5:54 PM
I know what you mean. It'd be like making an Aquaman movie. It's very difficult because they are usually thought of as more of a guest character or part of a team. It would be difficult but look at Jumper and now that new movie Push. They have single powers but you just have to be smart enough to know how to use them. Don't worry, I'm working on a storyline for the movie. Meanwhile, check out my Avatar story, it was taken down earlier but I put it back up and it's gonna stay up. Comment on it and tell me what you think.
THEHAWK - 2/1/2009, 8:44 PM
First of all Joker1Zero, love your fanfics. Secondly this is a fan site. The day that we can't post our thoughts and hopes for movies is the day that freedom dies. The reason why a lot of us write fanfics is as you know its fun to do and it helps pass the time between movies. And alot of the stuff on this site is speculation. I agree that some things belong in comments not editorials, which is why this is here and not a seperate editorial. Instead of writng something and making an editorial I posted it as a Comment, at the time I didn't realise that it would be four freakin pages of course. But as I said I agree with you for the most part. Oh and keep writing I enjoy reading your stuff.
Joker1zero - 2/1/2009, 9:59 PM
Thanks Hawk. I know what you're saying. I hesitated to post this because I didn't want to be the one to tell people not to express themselves but I just got really frustrated with all the random stuff that got me all excited for batman which lead to disappointment. Anyways, thanks for your compliments and check out my new stuff. I will be posting a Flash story in a few days so look out for that.
THEHAWK - 2/1/2009, 10:21 PM
Dude I am looking forward to reading The Flash story, I have been trying to decide whether to write one but I haven't had much time. And again I agree there is a time and a place for everything. Well keep writing and good luck.
Oh and I posted an idea a while back under comments at the article that confirms Batman Three, you can;t miss it it is 4 pages long, read it if you want and let me Know what you think.
rawshark - 2/5/2009, 9:53 PM


kyle - 5/26/2009, 5:17 PM
The Dark Knight Returns Plot/Characters/Events

When the mob grows sronger by the day, Batman becomes more of an outlaw than ever. People that try and be copycats of the Caped Crusader lie behind cells, investigated by a man who wants the identity of the Batman. Yet, even Bruce is effected at every corner with someone haunting him; using all of his fears against him. How can he maintain under control with falling in love?


Bruce Wayne/Batman
Salina Kyle/Catwoman
Black Mask
Edward Nigma/Riddler
Thomas Elliot/Hush
Bruce's parents
Thomas' parents

What shall happen

Batman will be on the run with an origin being shown 1

Reports of the Batman's arrest will be sent out in

Gotham only 2

Protests on the Batman being wanted 3

Arrests being made 4

Asylum interrogation's on all copycats (people pretend
to be Batman)4

Mob meeting 5

Riddler, unexpectedly, comes in with news to the mob 6

Bruce and Alfred head to there apartment 7

Business meeting at Wayne company 8

Salina Kyle takes Fox's place 9

Edward begins to work with Gordon on the exile of
Batman 10

Officially declared outlaw 11

Hush commits three homicides 12

Mob wants to known this, Hush 13

Bruce and Alfred talk at there apartment 14

They run into Salina Kyle 15

Hush and Riddler confront each other 16

A riddle is sent to the police 17

More arrests on copycats (people pretend to be Batman)18

More Arkham Asylum interrogations, but this time with the Joker 19

Riddler and Hush confront the mob 20

Salina Kyle and Bruce Wayne go out on a date 21

Bruce goes to the cemetery 22

Mobsters commit a bank robbery, running into Catwoman 23

Reports of this, Catwoman, are sent to the mob and police 24

Edward talks to Gordon with the reports 25

Salina Kyle takes Bruce to her apartment 26

Hush commits another set of homicides 27

Edward and Gordon interrogate the Joker at the Arkham
Asylum 28

Lucious Fox is kidnapped by the mob 29

Riddler sends another riddle to the police 30

Catwoman sets out to find the Riddler 31

Fox is tortured by the mob 32

Bruce raises a funraiser 33

Riddler rats out Hush, and Catwoman sets out to find
him 34

Bruce is given a speech 35

Hush kills Catwoman 36

Joker raises hell at the Arkham Asylum 37

Reports are told and shown 38

Hush kidnapps the Joker in the Arkham Asylum 39

Fox is once more tortured by the mob 40

Bruce asks Gordon for help on finding Salina Kyle 41

Invesitgation goes further more 42

Bruce comes home to find the Riddler dead on the floor,
with a request along with him 43

Batman and Gordon set out to find Salina and Hush 44

They both head down to the hideout of the mob; which
was ratted out, and saves Fox 45

Black Mask is arrested 46

Gordon keeps hold of everyone at the Arkham Asylum 47

Batman questions Joker and Black Mask 48

Batman and Hush fight along the rooftops 49

Hush's identity is finally realized 50

A funeral is held 51

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