It's Time For A Good Aliens vs Predator Movie

It's Time For A Good Aliens vs Predator Movie

We think the fans of the AVP series have been left feeling jilted after the 2 movies. We offer 3 suggestions on how to make a good AVP movie and encourage the fans to demand it be made.

Editorial Opinion
By GEEKBLAST - Aug 03, 2013 04:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Alien vs. Predator

We here at KMDT Geek Blast! are all very big fans of both the Predator and Alien universes. We were very big fans of the original Dark Horse comics Aliens VS Predator, we were very excited in 1992 when you caught a glimpse of an Alien skull on the Predator trophy rack in Predator 2, we could barely breathe when it was announced that there would be an AVP movie (we were simultaneously very suspicious when we heard Paul Anderson was directing), but our hopes were crushed when we saw the crap story that was spilled all over the movie theater screen. Again our hopes were reinvigorated when we heard about Aliens Vs Predator:Requiem, but yet again us and every other AVP fan was let down. Is this franchise dead? Will we ever get an AVP movie that does the individual franchises justice? We don’t think the franchise is dead as evidenced by the fact that films from the individual franchises have been made very recently (PREDATORS and PROMETHEUS) and an AVP comic series was released just 3 years ago (AVP: THREE WORLD WAR). We do think that we can get a movie that has dignity befitting of the individual franchises and here’s how we think anybody interested should go about it.

First is the story. No script writer has to strain too hard to figure out a good story for these two sci-fi icons, almost any of the Dark Horse comic stories will do just fine. As a matter of fact Peter Briggs wrote an excellent script sometime ago borrowing very heavily from the first AVP comic series. You can read the script here if you’re interested,

We think one of the major hindrances to the two AVP movies was the fact that studio execs didn’t want the clash of alien species to take place in space because they didn’t want to spend too much money on lavish sets. That’s why both movies took place on earth and you never saw a Dark Horse comic adaptation. Well this may sound stupid, but the first AVP comic series takes place on a planet that looks just like why not shoot the movie there and significantly reduce the amount of money you have to spend on sets...right?

The second element of a great AVP movie is the director. We here at KMDT Geek Blast! humbly submit that there are only two individuals who can make this movie happen. James Cameron or John Mctiernan (yes we know he’s prison right now, but he’ll be out in April 2014).
Cameron as everybody knows wrote, directed, and even designed elements and characters of ALIENS. Mctiernan directed the first PREDATOR. Slightly off topic here for a second, for those of you who don’t know, this was actually the original design for the Predator

We have Mctiernan to thank for putting his foot down and demanding that the creature be redesigned. Oh and by the way it was James Cameron’s idea to put mandibles on the Predator...he was sitting next to Stan Winston on a plane while Stan was drawing the creature and James said “you know I would really like to see something with mandibles in it”. Anyway back to the central thesis of this post. Both these directors have experience with the characters involved in the AVP franchise and both are adept enough to bring you a well developed, properly paced, entertaining, sci-fi action movie. We did not include Ridley Scott here not because we don’t think he is a gifted sci-fi director, that is undebatable, but because he doesn’t seem to have that high octane flare for action which in our opinion is required to make an AVP movie great.

Third and probably least is creature design. The first Predator in our opinion looked perfect but through out the years other designers started to exaggerate the proportions of certain elements associated with the Predator. Whether is was making the mandibles thicker or longer, or making the wrist blades extend to ridiculous lengths, these adjustments to the original design seem to do exactly the opposite of what the designers intended....make the character more menacing . Instead of making the Predator more menacing it actually made it look somewhat cartoonish. The same has been done with the Alien design a few times but not as much. While we haven’t done exhaustive research on this the main culprit in this crime seems to be Almagamated Dynamics...a special effects company. We’re almost positive that if there is another AVP movie that Almagamated Dynamics will be handling creature design and effects, so we humbly suggest that you boys tone down the designs just a little.

This of course is all just our opinion. Feel free to hate us down in the comment section below or you can even talk to us live Friday night from 8-9 EST while we broadcast live by calling our show. We can be heard at

We want another AVP movie and we want the fans to start screaming for it!!

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WYLEEJAY - 8/3/2013, 4:58 PM
I loved this series as a kid. I was a little let down with the first film, but I enjoyed the second one.

If they do another, I would like to see a different take on the Hunters Planet series. They should introduce Michiko in the film. Show her get to join the clan. Just like the comics and books. Different variations of aliens and all. It can be done. They just have to be willing to risk it.
GEEKBLAST - 8/3/2013, 5:04 PM
@WYLEEJAY: yeah well the studios are just a little adverse to risk right now considering that almost every block bluster they put out this summer has bombed. This why we suggested they attach James Cameron as a director...he never bombs!
Tainted87 - 8/3/2013, 5:31 PM
No, man. No.
AvP was a colossal disappointment. The second one... I didn't make it through. Only movie I have ever walked out on in the theater. Probably because my ex and I were doing things in the back of the auditorium...

Predators was only fun because I watched the movie with this idea that it was Team Fortress 2 vs Predators.
Novel idea though, humans abducted and dropped out of the sky to land on a Yaujta hunting planet.

But the two movies are painfully different - talking about Alien and Predator. One's sci-fi horror, the other is quasi-sci-fi action.

Keep the fandom, keep the comics, make some more games, but the last thing we need is another movie.
BJD - 8/3/2013, 5:47 PM
@Tainted87: I sort of feel what you're saying but your assessment of the movies being radically different in nature isn't completely accurate...ALIENS is a straight up roller coaster ride action movie. So in that respect Predator and Aliens have similarities and mesh very well
Tainted87 - 8/3/2013, 5:59 PM
Yes, but Aliens kind of blew everything up - not just literally. Space marines are sent to LV-14 to check out the colony, and discover that it's overrun by Xenomorphs. Plural. Very plural.

Whereas the original is all about transformation, a creature at odds with nature, as expressed by Ash in his final moments. Despite it's massive flaws, you've got to consider that Prometheus was loyal to this idea, that Ridley Scott wanted to hold humanity in the same light as the Xenomorph. Why do we humans want to kill the xenomorph? Why do the engineers want to kill humans? Are we flawed, or too perfect? Did we exceed expectations, or fall short?

Aliens is just a lot of cool sci-fi action and explosions. Great movie, but radically different from what it was originally intended to be.
GEEKBLAST - 8/3/2013, 8:18 PM
@Tainted87: So if we're understanding you correctly, you don't consider ALIENS a real ALIEN movie?
WYLEEJAY - 8/3/2013, 8:57 PM
These kinds of films usually have certain rules in place that they follow. The rules don't usually change. Like the rules for Gremlins for example. Its WAS the same for the Aliens. In the comics, whatever species the Alien was "Born" from, took on similar traits to that species. Like the Bull Alien from the comic. They still followed the same rules though. Eggs, facehuggers, chestbursters, Aliens.

Then in Alien Resurrection they changed the rules. The Newborn at the end. Fans hated it because it deviated from the rules they were used to. Not all fans, but most. Then in Avp Requiem, the Predalien, was a small queen that laid eggs in peoples throats that came out of their stomachs. Broke the rules, why would a Predalien have eggs any different than a normal Queen? Was confusing.

Now we have Prometheus. They established right away that it was all about evolution. The black goo fast forwarded evolution, with different results. By the end of the movie we have the first version of the Alien we all know. Now what this movie did, was ACCIDENTALLY make the other movies make more sense. We learned that in ALL of the previous movies, the rules that we THOUGHT existed, never did. In the comics, and video games they stuck to those rules, but the movie verse is a different take on the creatures. Now, with that in mind, recently I watched all four Alien films and Prometheus again, and I liked them all so much more understanding that.
Tainted87 - 8/3/2013, 9:39 PM
Of course it's an Alien movie. It applies the same rules, as WYLEEJAY is fond of saying, and expands.

Let's say, for argument's sake, that both Alien and Aliens came out recently, rather than before I was born. Some updated effects, but the most minimal differences. Which one would look like an indie movie, and which one would look like a summer blockbuster?

All I'm saying is that Aliens was a game-changer. The majority, I believe, HATES Alien 3, because not only did it kill off Hicks and Newt, but it brought the franchise to a halt. Any day of the week, you ask me, Aliens is so much better than Alien 3. That's not what it's about though. Alien 3 brought it all back to the beginning. No guns, no explosives, no marines - here it's all metaphorical. And Monday through Friday, that's something I can appreciate.

The Sulaco shoots them out onto a prison planet for lifers, where the inmates are taught to be monks rather than cons. Ripley shows up, and everything is turned upside-down. To them, she's as much an alien as the Xenomorph. And Ripley is a prisoner to the Xenomorph. Her corporal dies on impact, her adoptive daughter Newt drowns in cryo, and her romance with the doctor is ended with the Xenomorph biting into his skull. She's met her match, despite all odds, like the evolving Xenomorph, she survives. Until she learns she's impregnated.

I don't see an AvP movie going there.
WYLEEJAY - 8/3/2013, 9:46 PM
Lol. I did say the word "rules" a lot didn't I?
GEEKBLAST - 8/3/2013, 9:49 PM
@Tainted87: OK, so if you're saying that ALIENS is an acceptable addition to the ALIEN mythos...then there is no reason why the Predator and the Alien franchise can't find common and entertaining ground since they're both action based movies.

Hell, if you like the AVP comics, which it sounds like you do, then we're at a loss to understand why you couldn't enjoy a well developed and produced AVP movie.

And just so you know ALIENS had some deep subtexts at play such as a woman dealing with PTSD, loss, and ultimately healing through a new relationship
WYLEEJAY - 8/3/2013, 10:04 PM
My point was, there's no reason they couldn't do another, since the movies themselve are constantly evolving too.

Prometheus gave us an answer to the age old question, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well neither apparently. It was an eight foot tall Albino alien dude that had a god complex, and drank some black goo.

Escalation would be the problem. They always have to do something new. Like the bigger Predators in the newer movie Predators. If they did another AvP, what would they do differently this time, and how much would we even recognize the franchise after it?

I would love to see another one, but I'm afraid by time they did, it would turn into something entirely different.
GEEKBLAST - 8/3/2013, 10:15 PM
@WYLEEJAY: anytime a franchise reboots itself it always goes back to it's roots...the substance of the reboot is never really anything we haven't seen before, it's just the style and tone that changes....Nolan's BATMAN is a perfect example....why can't the same happen with the AVP series....there doesn't have to be anything new...the style just has to be fresh

by the way we would love to have everyone argue this with us live on the air on Friday night. check out
WYLEEJAY - 8/3/2013, 11:44 PM
I would be perfectly fine with a reboot. Take the things they learned from all the other films. What worked and what didn't. Its technically three different franchises, so they COULD just reboot the AvP one if they wanted and leave the other two alone.
GEEKBLAST - 8/4/2013, 12:02 AM
^ Yeah well ok that's all we are really talking about here...we thought that was implied in this post, guess it wasn't. We should've directly said reboot
ThunderKat - 8/4/2013, 7:11 AM
This is the modern day monster movie! This series done well would make us (nearly) forget the Kong vs. Godzilla movies. The beauty of the series is you can set it in any time period, any planet, and any terrain.

The second movie was disappointing. And "Predators" was lacking!
TheOneAboveAll - 8/4/2013, 12:27 PM
I think this would be amazing
CorndogBurglar - 8/4/2013, 1:36 PM
The first one was garbage, but I actually liked Requiem quite a bit. I never understood all the hate it got.

I don't feel we need another AvP. What I want is a Colonial Marines movie. It blows my mind that the most memorable and beloved characters from both the Aliens and Predators franchises never got a spin off film.

It wouldn't even need to include Xenomorphs. It could be about some other alien threat. I just want a film about the Colonial Marines. They deserve it.
ThunderKat - 8/5/2013, 1:38 PM

How was 'Requiem' better than the first?
GEEKBLAST - 8/5/2013, 3:24 PM
@ThuderKat: We've gotta agree with CorndogBurglar on that....the sewer scene in 'Requiem' almost completely redeemed that movie...but again feel free to argue the point with us live on internet radio Friday night. Info at
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