Producer Confirms - No Next Generation Crew in New Star Trek Movie

Producer Confirms - No Next Generation Crew in New Star Trek Movie

Producer Damon Lindelof confirms what most of us already knew, but spills some other stuff, like the running time and plans for sequels.

By jman1977 - Mar 30, 2009 12:03 PM EST
Filed Under: Star Trek

On if there will be any Next Generation Cast in the new Star Trek Movie:

"Data is featured in one of the prequel comics,” Lindelof told MTV News. “But we do not want to mislead the public into thinking they’ll see next gen cameos.”

That response equals a big NO.

On the running time of the film:

“The actual content of the movie is at about exactly 2 hours,” Lindelof said.

On if Star Treks original score will be heard throughout the galaxy,,, again:

“Where we use it in the film it works,” he offered. “I would say it is used very specifically and at exactly the right time.”

Does not affect my judgment either way at this point about this movie.

On if there will be any sequels:

And off course the hopeful producer Sts "Ideas have been thrown around that are very informal at this point,” Lindelof stated. “Hopefully there will be a couple more movies if it’s successful.”

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MarkCassidy - 3/30/2009, 3:08 PM
Ok ..both of you, get to a video shop and rent Wrath Of Khan now for christs sake!..but seriously, check that one out and maybe First Contact, the others are meh
answer - 3/30/2009, 3:24 PM

How is it possible you guys never seen Star Trek of any kind?!
And TheProgram, how can you not like something you've never seen!

loganoneil - 3/30/2009, 3:25 PM
Ror - oh come on now, you've got to admit 'The Undicovered Country' was pretty damn good too!
Minotauro - 3/30/2009, 3:37 PM
Seen Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis and like them all....Like Generations the most!..Didnt care for the shows. And looking forward to May 8, 2009!..

@ Ror - Generations was good...
SpiderBat209 - 3/30/2009, 4:17 PM
I recommend All of the "Even Numbered" Trek Movies! 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, though you'll have to watch em all cause they're all connected. (3 the Return of Spock and all.)

I wanna see a T.V. Series featuring Riker on his ship: Titan! With one or two crew members from DS9 and Voyager on board, and some New crew members!

Star Trek: Titan

It could work. :)
MarkCassidy - 3/30/2009, 4:19 PM
Was Undiscovered Country the one with God in it? It was ok..good bits but very bad bits too. Same with Generations..all that crap with Kirk at the end i didnt like..and they have the nerve to kill him and have his last words be "Oh my!" my young American chums would say..FAIL.
Betty - 3/30/2009, 4:31 PM
Yes, the death of kirk was pretty silly. I think they were trying to get Shatner to go away for a little while.

“Where we use it (theme song)in the film it works,” he offered. “I would say it is used very specifically and at exactly the right time.”

To me, this sounds like the song'll be at the end of the movie.
adamant877 - 3/30/2009, 4:44 PM
I was into the original series when I was little, but never really got into it until my young adulthood. The Next Generation was much better, in my opinion, and then it really kind of teatered off... The movies have always been great, but still, I was never what you'd call a "fan" by any means.

But this new movie looks absolutely phenominal! Can't wait to see it in the theaters!

(*Incidentally, anyone else excited about the prospect of Chris Pine playing Hal in the Green Lantern movie?)
wolverine81 - 3/30/2009, 6:08 PM
The best star trek movies were First Contact, its got Borg come on they rock, and Undiscovered Country. No Rorschach01 Star Trek 5 had God which was lame as hell by the way. Star trek 6 was Undiscoverd Country and had the Shakespeare quoting Klingon in it, that one was kewl. I blame my Dad for getting me addicted to Star Trek lol. Very much looking forward to this new spin on the Star Trek universe.

I think Chris Pine could, and I say could, make a good Hal Jordan adamant877. That movie should be eye candy for us all.
JigJRod55 - 3/30/2009, 10:16 PM
This has been confirmed for a while now...
stupify_me - 3/30/2009, 11:13 PM
Rorschach01 I disagree. To anyone who isnt a fan I would never recomend watching anything related to the original Star Trek or the movies based on it. The Next Generation was great and most of those movies were good. However the original series and it's movies were riddled with awful acting poor sets horrible SFX and were mostly cheesy. The TV show was worse than the movie, but still all were awful. TNG and DS9 were actually good. This new film looks decent, but then again the people making it are actually taking the film serious and not making a joke also the actors have talent which is a fresh take on Kirk no one has tried that role with good acting before.
eightball69 - 3/31/2009, 5:48 AM
I cant believe that there are people out there that have yet to see any star trek.. where have you been?? i am a massive fan (thanks to the next gen) and i cant wight to see this movie,, the rest of them where fantastic some better than others (5 not so much) same as the TV shows even enterprise was good even if it didn't last that long. bring on sylar/Spock...
Supermike - 3/31/2009, 5:56 AM
They just do what Nolan let Ledger do when there were people that say they werent batman fans
comicb00kguy - 3/31/2009, 7:27 AM
As a fan of both the original and Next Gen series, I have to say this movie looks absolutely terrible. I loathe revisionism. The very idea of "we have this big starship out in space and when the captain goes down we have nobody to lead the ship" is absolutely preposterous and unrealistic. I can't believe that anyone would send a big ship like that out into space without a chain of command and a contingency plan should the captain or someone else in an important position become incapacitated or die.

How about the idea that they're building the starship in Iowa? Again, completely unrealistic and logistically impossible. The starships were built out in space because they could never get anything that large off of the planet without causing severe damage to it. Simple matter of physics- the amount of power required to break that much weight out of the Earth's gravitational pull. Do we want a crater where Iowa was?

To you younger guys less familiar with the Trek Universe: instead of supporting a wretchedly bad film like this, I'd ask that you please use that money to buy a six-pack, a pizza, and rent Wrath of Khan, Undiscovered Country, or even the Director's Cut of the first film (which is a LOT better than the theatrical version) and see just what Trek is really all about. Renting or borrowing a season of the original series or Next Gen would also work (especially the recent re-release of the original series where they added some effects shots that really make the show look great).
stupify_me - 3/31/2009, 8:28 AM
Comicbookguy are you seriously calling the original Star Trek good ? Are you opposed to good acting ? Are you a fan of over cheesy stories? Not a big fan of well written plots ? You are seriously trying to use the logic for this film, but decided not to use any logic at all when you called the other films good ? You can count about 14 major errors in any one episode or movie based on the original.
SpiderBat209 - 3/31/2009, 9:15 AM
I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with this revision! I'm just glad Star Trek is Back! PERIOD!

They took ENTERPRISE off the air waaaaaaaaay too soon!

And you know what else is cool about this revision?

That in a few years, they may very well revise the cast of TNG and DS9!!!

Think about it...... :)
BillyBlack - 3/31/2009, 10:31 AM
Wrath of Khan was good, but in a so bad it's good kinda way. That is where you can really see Shatner blossom into the parody of himself he has become today. Granted he was serious at the time, but his delivery was so over the top, all previous incarnations paled in comparisson.

Khan: "Kirk.... Are you still there, old friend?"

Kirk: "STILL!.....OLD!.....FRIEND!!"

It wasn't until Airplane 2 that he really got into the comedy swing of his "persona" but I believe The Wrath of Khan pretty much gave it legs.

And not to burst anyone's bubble or anything, but I just read that they are already fast tracking the Trek sequel, which would be ready for a 2011 summer release. This should effectively take Chris Pine out of the Green Lantern running. He def won't have the time if they are getting this off the ground that quickly, unless they sign him and start shooting within the next month or so.
MarkCassidy - 3/31/2009, 11:26 AM
stupify_me i dont know what you were watching, but the original series was amazing for its time..sure its dated now but even TNG has at this point! I thought the acting was very good..particularly from Nimoy and Shatner and its storylines and concepts were revolutionary. Also, no Star Trek show since has managed to reproduce the chemistry and camaraderie that existed between Kirk and Spock(of whom Data was just a blatant rip off). You say it was cheesy..well i say it just didnt take itself too seriously, unlike TNG were 90% of the cast walked around with poles up their asses. I did enjoy some of the later episodes..and a couple of the movies were decent but nothing compares to the affection i have for that first crew growing up.
localman - 3/31/2009, 1:12 PM
To appreciate the original Star Trek, you have to put it in context in the late 60's. Cold War, communism, race riots and Viet Nam. Flower children and psychadelic art. And the other shows on at the time were simplistic and two-dimentional. Roddenberry developed a show that had a vision of hope that showed a dream of a great future for mankind, and adapted many excellent science fiction concepts and plots to audiences that had never seen them before.

The best single episode was "The City of the Edge of Forever," written by Harlan Ellison (Later a Hugo award winning author and the script consultant for Babylon 5). It introduced "the butterfly effect" concept of time travel to audiences who had probably never thought of it, and made some significant social commentary, too. "The Butterfly Effect" comes from a well-known Isaac Asimov story, "A Sound of Thunder," about how a small change in the past can have huge consequences in the future. "The Trouble with Tribbles" was a variation of Robert A. Heinlein's "flat cats" from "The Rolling Stones." I personally spoke to author Jack Williamson about how "I, Mudd" took its concept from his "Humanoids" stories.

The first two seasons of Star Trek had great writing, special effects that were good for the time (but now appear cheesy), and pretty good acting for network television at the time. But what made the show a hit in syndication later were the good stories, mainly from the first two seasons, and the relationship between Kirk, Spock and McCoy. The show was also remarkable for its vision of diversity. Uhura and Sulu were role models for many, many people, as there were very few African American or Asian people portrayed as inteligent, competant people on TV at the time. And there was even a Russian who was a good guy. Race was almost ignored, suggesting that we would someday overcome the conflicts that existed at the time.

Star Trek was also a landmark show, in that it developed a love for science fiction and space travel at a time when we were just beginning with real space travel. Most of the astronauts from the 70's and 80's have indicated that Star Trek had a big effect on their interest in Space.

So, I'm looking forward to this sort-of reboot of the franchise. Next Generation was a far better show, but didn't quite have the innocence and heart of the original. This version will be again very different, but basic concept of Star Trek can be told in many different ways.
comicb00kguy - 3/31/2009, 2:47 PM
To StupifyMe: Yes, I AM saying that the original Trek is good, including several of the movies (I will absolutely NOT defend the fifth one- that film was indescriably bad). I think LocalMan above me has done a fine job of explaining the appeal of the original show, probably better than I could have done. I would add that I am of the generation that grew up knowing original Trek as the ONLY Trek. I was in college when Next Gen came out. That certainly affects my perspective on anything Trek-related, and I don't hide that.

What makes this new movie so disappointing is that it offered a chance to explore an untold part of the lives of many established characters and concepts within the series. The concept was interesting. Done right, it would have been something filled with clever in-jokes and little Easter eggs for the longtime fan, and something that would have drawn new fans into exploring the wide and wonderful universe of Trek, and maybe launched a new movie franchise exploring more of those "untold stories" of the "early years". What we got was something that looked more like a bad episode of 90210 or one of those WB teenybopper shows. It's like taking a childhood friend, and eliminating everything about them that made them interesting and someone you wanted to hang with in the first place.
bleedthefreak - 3/31/2009, 5:03 PM
NO!!!! I wanted a will Wheaton cameo
stupify_me - 3/31/2009, 5:07 PM
Rorschach01 how sad that when you don't agree with someone on something it instantly makes it an age issue despite not even knowing how old I am. How can you possibly know that I didn't grow up on the original Star Trek ? Time Period did not matter I only appretiate good writing. The same goes for the 60's Batman series I grew up on it as a child and even then thought it was idiotic and cheesy as all hell. Claim escapism all you want, but I prefer well written scripts with good stories and that take them selves serious because to me film is an art and not just one big joke. Even a comedy can take it's self serious and most do. Star Trek and Batman both just mocked the entire process and made art in general in to one giant joke.

Also to add even if you loved the show good for you, but for anyone to actually think Shatner is a good actor is just sad. Do you also really enjoy John Cena ? You probably think Keanu Reeves is a classic thespian and your just dying to see the next Paris Hilton and Steven Segal flicks right ? Ahh acting at it's best.
MarkCassidy - 3/31/2009, 5:31 PM
First off, i never made any allusions to you being young..i said that i loved it growing up..i never said that you didnt! 2nd, im not saying that by todays standards Shatners acting wouldnt seem cheesy or out of place (i stand by saying it was never bad)..But it fit the time and place and structure, and i loved him as Kirk! So comparing him to Paris Hilton or Segal sounds a little silly dont you think? If you didnt think he was good thats fine, but saying that its "sad" that someone did?? A little over opinionated are we chief?

Also, i dont know what comedies your a fan of, but 2 of the funniest movies i have ever seen are Life Of Brian and the first Airplane..all the way through those movies i thought, wow, thank god these cast and crew are taking things so seriously!
stupify_me - 3/31/2009, 6:53 PM
Opinions are fine to a point. I really truly understand that everyone has an opinion. There are actors that I'm not fond of, but I accept others like them. For instance I find Depp to be the most overrated guy in hollywood right up there with Cloney. However I think certain things don't even come down to opinion. There are some actors that can never be called bad because that very short list contains actors so amazing that everyone pretty much agrees on them. On the flip side there is a list grant it much larger of actors that are simply terrible and it doesn't come down to opinion. Good ole Shatner is certainly on that list. The guy couldn't act if his life depended on it. There are children actors with far superior skill to this man. Now he has reached the point of simply being a parody of him self and for some reason that actually makes him better these days. While still bad he can at least be enjoyed for a certain lvl of entertainment even if it is just to laugh at that crazy Shatner guy.
MarkCassidy - 4/1/2009, 7:25 AM
Producer Confirms - No Next Generation Crew in New Star Trek Movie

stupify_me - 4/1/2009, 2:54 PM
Your just looking for any excusse to bash this movie logan-x you don't care if it's good or not you just refuse to like it. Even if that means you have to make shit up just to bash it.
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