Bryan Singer: The Bane of Superman Returns

Bryan Singer: The Bane of Superman Returns

Why Bryan Singer is to blame for Superman Returns.

Editorial Opinion
By bkaado - May 14, 2011 08:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

(Article does contain some spoilers)

In the summer of 2005, my brother and I were celebrating how great of a movie Batman Begins was. Afterwards, my brother, being a Superman fan, began to tell me about the upcoming movie, Superman Returns. He told me about the premise and how he was excited to see Singer’s vision come to screen. I stood in confusion as my brother continued and then interrupted him with “Why don’t they just reboot the franchise, like they are doing with Batman?” He reassured me that it was going to be awesome and the connection between the older ones would be understood with no problem. I doubted him, and for good reason. The movie led to disappointing box office performance and has been scrutinized by comic book fans. Even DC decided to reboot the franchise with a movie produced by Christopher Nolan, mastermind behind Batman Begins and the Dark Knight (if only they had listened to me in ’05). The reboot will come soon, and as we approach the five year anniversary of Returns, people have been looking back at the movie and taking their shots. I noticed this on CBM, especially when a certain article was published dealing with Bryan Singer looking back on Superman Returns. Intrigued, I opened up the article to see what he had to say, and what I found angered me. One of his changes would of choosing a better actor for the role of Superman. Brandon Routh’s performance was a major subject of criticism, but he is not the reason Superman failed to capture the viewers. The main culprit is Bryan Singer.

By the time Singer took on the Superman franchise, he had already directed and helped write the stories for X-Men (2000) and X2 (2003), which were both successful movies. It would only make sense for Warner Bros. to hire Singer to bring Superman back to the world of film. Singer, who has said time and time again he loved the Donner Superman movies, decided to make a sequel to the first two Superman movies instead of rebooting the character. Now, let’s put this all in perspective:

Superman (1978) – Directed by Richard Donner. Starring Christopher Reeve as Superman, Margot Kidder as Lois Lane, and Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. Considered one of the best superhero movies of all time.

Superman II (1980) – The Sequel, The main three cast returned, and I won’t talk about the director due to the Donner Vs. Lester controversy (A story worthy of its own article).

Superman III (1983) – The third movie, directed by Richard Lester. Reeves and Kidder returned to the movie, which most agree was the start of the downward slope of the Superman franchise.

Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) – The fourth movie, directed by Sidney J. Furie. The main three actors reunited once again, and the movie was universally panned and considered “the death of the Superman franchise.”

Superman Returns (2006) – The fifth installation. Directed by Bryan Singer, Starring Brandon Routh as Superman, Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane, and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.

What you’re seeing is true. Superman Returns was the Superman movie that broke a 19 year hiatus. Nearly two decades later, Singer decided to make the sequel to Superman and Superman II while ignoring the other two. Superman II was released in 1980, two years after Superman. The gap between Superman II and Superman Returns is 26 years. That is almost three decades, five different presidents, and an ever-changing world of cinema. Now, I apologize to keep telling you something that is obvious. You didn’t need me to tell you the release dates and timeline. You are all smart individuals. What puzzles me is why Bryan Singer didn’t pick that up. His vision caused problems in two different ways: with the audience, and with Brandon Routh.

The audience is the most important part of any entertainment process. Those who pay for the movie are seeking to be entertained. Seems obvious, right? I would think so. You know so. But this movie was still made. Batman Begins was released in 2005 and was the reboot to the Batman franchise that followed a similar format to superman. Two successful movies followed by two movies that didn’t live up. The only difference? Begins rebooted. This led to a chance for new audiences to watch the story of Bruce Wayne. What you needed to know was given to you in that movie, not a series of movies that occurred 26 years ago. People left the movie with the story in mind, where it started and where it was going. This was not what happened in Superman Returns. The storyline reminded me more of a fan film. The feeling I received from Superman Returns was that I was constantly catching up. I was putting pieces of the puzzle together, trying to find out where everything was, and I am a comic book fan. Those who didn’t know much about superheroes, especially Superman, had it off a lot worse than me. People would ask me to explain the story to them because the plot points hindered their movie-going experience (For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, Superman’s kid). Keep in mind that with the explosive success of Spider-Man (2002), comic book movies were brought to the foreground of the movie industry, usually becoming summer blockbusters. New people were beginning to explore the wonderful world of comic book heroes. Superman Returns’ nostalgic story confused viewers, which hit me as ironic due to the estimated marketing budget of $45.5 million. Though it hurt the people watching the movie, it hurt the people making it.

Remember how I said Brandon Routh wasn’t the reason Superman Returns failed to deliver? Here is where I talk about that specifically. Yes, the actor is responsible for his performance. Yes, Brandon Routh wasn’t better than Christopher Reeve. Yes, the odds Routh had to face was so great, even Superman would have trouble being victorious. Putting aside the fact he was playing an iconic hero. Putting aside the fact he had to fill in the shoes of Christopher Reeve. Putting aside the fact the then 24 year old didn’t have star power to draw an audience. He was faced with the task to develop the same on-screen chemistry Reeves and Margot Kidder had almost three decades ago. Superman Returns was a sequel that due to an absence of action and origin relied on romance. The relationship between Clark Kent and Lois Lane became the story. Yes, Lex Luthor had a master plan to rule the world, but it didn’t command the story. The 154 minute movie was dominated by the story of their romance, and instead of starting from scratch and building up their relationship, the audience is forced to accept that it was already established before the movie. It also creates more problems as complex developments of the relationship are present, such as the two having a kid or Lois having to pick between Superman and her husband in the movie, Richard White. Brandon Routh and Kate Bosworth couldn’t pull that off. NEWSFLASH: The only two people who could deliver what Bryan Singer wanted were Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder.

Now, as many comic book fans, I wait patiently for Zack Snyder’s reboot. I can only hope that Snyder will learn from Singer’s mistake.

The article that pissed me off and started it all:

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LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:21 PM
Honestly...the film was just boring to me. I didn't mind that Singer wanted to continue from the Donner stuff. I just didn't like the fact that the film was nearly 3 hours long and Superman never even threw a single punch. But when Singer admitted he wanted his Superman movie to be a all made perfect sense to me.
doneill1027 - 5/14/2011, 8:23 PM
i agree with the writer. bkaado should write more. he seems to know his shit.
bkaado - 5/14/2011, 8:30 PM
I completely understand LP4, it was too long for the pace it was going for.

And thank you doneill1027
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:33 PM
@bkaado- Yep, the hospital scene seemed utterly pointless and stupid to me. It went on for way too long...a lot of the movie was very slow-paced and the movie of the LONGEST CBMs ever made...yet it had zero action.

I just don't get why Singer did what he did. He ignored the fans and only went with HIS vision. Yeah he's the director but he's gotta pull in the male crowd somehow because typically males are the ones who flock the most to a Superman or SUPERHERO film. Females do too...but you get my drift. Singer's mistake is that he ISOLATED the male audience aka- the TARGET audience.

What a fool mister singer is.
bkaado - 5/14/2011, 8:37 PM
@LP4 I know exactly what you mean, the moment you forsake the true fans, you lose everything
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:37 PM
In any case, I'm sure Snyder will give us a Superman film that finally has some much-needed and deserved ACTION.

The story will be good too because it was created by Goyer and Nolan put on some finishing touches to it from what I read.

So with a Goyer/Nolan-deeply layered story + the visually styled action of Snyder...the movie should be good.
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:39 PM
@bkaado- Exactly dude. Once you turn your back on the target audience, you do lose everything.

WB admitted- "perhaps we should have had a little more action to satisfy the young male crowd"

that is a quote i got directly of what they said in a statement about the film.

Singer had no respect for Superman, or the male audience.
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:44 PM
Now I know singer-fans are going to waltz in here with all their charts and figures and blah, blah, blah about how much money the film made.

Look, the film made loads of money because it was a SUPERMAN film. People will flock to a Superman movie no matter how bad it is because it's SUPERMAN. Heck people will line up to watch a poop-stain on the big screen just so long as it has a red, Superman cape on. People just naturally love Superman.

Also, the film only broke-even for WB. They felt the film should have made more and should have. Superman is one of their biggest film properties...and for it to only break even?

Plus...I walked out of the theater and a father started saying how stupid the villain and story were, I kid you not.

bkaado - 5/14/2011, 8:47 PM
@LP4 Rock on, man.
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 8:55 PM
Superman aint peripheral the way GL and Thor are. ANYONE would know Superman, you don't even need to read comics to know his story. That's how well-known he is. So logically..."Superman" as a label is more marketable than "Green Lantern" or "Thor" I'm not bashing I'm just stating facts here about how iconic Superman really is.

So...that is why so many people lined up and paid to see "Superman Returns" because again...the word- 'Superman' is very marketable. His "S" shield? Yeah that's very marketable in itself- shoes, shirts, etc-

Heck I even saw a place called "Super Taco" and they use the iconic "S" shield.

Well that explains why Superman Returns made so much money. That and the fact that people had waited 20 years for a new Superman film. So the anticipation was quite high for it to begin with. Whereas with Batman, before Batman Begins hit in 2005, he already had a film last about 7 years prior. So the wait for a new Batman film was nowhere near that of the wait for a new Superman film comparing its- 20 year hiatus.

Yet Batman Begins was more appealing because as you pointed out- it was a fresh reboot.

Singer should have made a reboot...instead we got a...somewhat sequel...loose
LP4 - 5/14/2011, 9:02 PM
Anyway, I'm done here. Just wanted to add my 2 cents into this article. Nice article! @bkaado

bkaado - 5/14/2011, 9:06 PM
@LP4 thanks for your input and thanks again for the kind words on the article!
golden123 - 5/14/2011, 9:46 PM
Well, I don't think you need to see Superman the Movie and Superman II to understand or be entertained by Superman Returns. I mean even the origin story is recovered in Returns, and how the kid came along is referenced. So I personally think your whole second paragraph and half your third paragraph are irrelevant, or am I missing something?
In response to the movie being confusing, all I half to say is, my sister watched it and she came to the conclusion that Superman was turning into the sun. She got confused because he gets his power from the sun and she didn't know this.
Berger45 - 5/15/2011, 1:30 AM
Good article man!
bkaado - 5/15/2011, 7:17 AM
@golden123 The second and third paragraph i wrote to show reference of how the franchise's timeline was, because i personally felt him making it a sequel left a lot of people out of the loop.

@TheGODDAMNSUPERGUY - Smallville has so many problems with it, I could probably write three articles on it

@Berger45 - Thanks dude! Appreciate it!

@NorseGod - That was my mistake, i apologize for my error. It wasn't a direct sequel, it's technically a "loose sequel." I personally think he crossed the line for homage territory.
bkaado - 5/15/2011, 7:17 AM
I thank everyone again for commenting and sharing.
JM4Superman - 5/15/2011, 2:05 PM
I definitely felt that Singer raped Superman with this movie.
LP4 - 5/15/2011, 6:17 PM
@Superguy- Dude quit trying to pump up Routh's image. Fact remains- Superman Returns SUCKED BALLS. And that was a BIG BUDGET MOVIE. I mean damn, for Smallville I understand it's a t.v show with a shitty budget.

I'd put the Smallville Finale and Superman Returns at the same shitty level. Only the Smallville finale a bit higher up. At least we had an awesome Lex- non camp, at least we had an actual FIGHT- Clark vs. Ollie and at least we got a story that made SOME form of sense...not...oh i don't know...ADDING IN A [frick]ING KID FOR SUPERMAN. And the campy Lex's evil plan consisting of throwing a crystal in water and watching it grow. [frick] that bullsh*t. Fu*k that Kumar guy too, he was a waste in that film. Nothing in that shitty movie made any sense at all.

But do remember- We are buddies on here man. We agree with each other about 99% of the time on everything Superman. But I still can't accept that Superman Returns was better than the Smallville finale.

At least some of the Smallville fans got their closure from that finale. Superman Returns gave nobody ANY closure at all. It just gave people migrains from all the god damn confusion and plot-holes and inconsistencies.

bkaado - 5/15/2011, 9:03 PM
I think the problem is that Superman is such a popular character but no one can seem to pin-point the best approach to him. I curious to see how Snyder does it with the guidance from Nolan. My problem is that I grew it relating more to the 90's DC Animated Universe rather than the live action movies, so my superhero standards started off high. They have to focus on the basics then let the character of Superman elevate
bkaado - 5/15/2011, 9:06 PM
@NorseGod haha yes he did, and he is going to destroy X-Men.

@JM4Superman the same comment I gave to NorseGod

@LP4 No Superman audience base really got closure. Even the Reeve era had to deal with the whole Donner Superman II situation
KingDragyn18 - 5/16/2011, 8:38 PM
Honestly, I loved Superman Returns, it almost felt like I was watching the Christopher Reeve movies. Now that I look at it though, there were a few things that bothered me.
1.Lex Luthor:Come on we have see too much of him, Kevin Spacey did a good job but couldnt you have like DarkSeid or Brainiac in the movie?

2.Lois Lane: I feel the actress did a good job, but she could have done way better at Lois Lane (but I also know its the way that she was written as well)

3.No fighting:If you are going to have Lex Luthor again then why dont you hve him wear his kryptonite suit! Then they can fight!!

Then what I liked about it:
1.John Williams Iconic score:Dude you cant have a Superman movie without it!! Lets not forget the opening credits as well!

2.Brandon Routh: I liked him as Superman, he reminded me of Christopher Reeve

3.Marlon Brando"s voice:That just makes the movie feel more authentic.

4.The crashing plane scene: One of the best superman moments made for the big screen, the cgi and the flying was really well captured!

5.Taking that huge kryptonite land mass up to space, that was awesome!

All in all, I agree, the should have rebooted the series then, but keep the Iconic music and the opening credits, and keep Brandon Routh. Now the new one with Henry Cavill, Im sure that they will do a great job, but I am a little sceptical of Zack Snyder. I liked watchmen, Suckerpunch looks dumb, but I did like 300. With his view and Christopher Nolan"s hand in it, Im really not sure. If you think about it, how can you give a "real world" view of a character from another planet? Are they gonna sample Superman:Earth one? Hopefully it works out.
Tim Burton is no Christopher Nolan but did you see what he was going to do with Superman? That was not going to be a good movie. Im hoping Christopher and David Goyer really consider the comic books. :)
ar8898 - 5/17/2011, 11:41 AM
The biggest surprise to me is that Warner Bros. actually allowed this crappy movie to be made. They should have known that making a sequel 26 years later would fail, especially one without any action in it. This was supposed to be a Summer blockbuster not a freaking chick flick with a cape. If Snyder doesn't make Superman kick some ass, I'm gonna beat my head into a brick wall!
RyKnow - 5/19/2011, 2:11 AM
I could sit here for quite sometime and disect this article, strand by strand. But why bother?
Articles like this are getting boring and repetitive. The film came out 5 years ago, deal with it and get over it. It's like people who repeatedly write these kind of articles have got a hang up on the film they claim to hate. And it does get irritating for those who actually liked the film (of which there are more than you think), having to see articles with a title of "Superman Returns sucked blah blah blah Singer's a dick blah blah blah Routh can't act blah blah blah". The thing is, if you don't like the film, don't watch it, forget about it, and stop writing articles about how much you hate it 5 years after the film came out. Y'all starting to sound like a scratched record.

And before you attack me for not agreeing with you, just rember how you'd probably react when there's been posts that have been pro-Superman Returns.

@ KingDragyn18 - Some good points mate, both for and against. And like you, I'm sceptical about the reboot. I'm not sure Snyder's the right guy for the job, but as long as Nolan's holding his hand, he should do ok.
AC1 - 5/19/2011, 2:16 AM
Actually, I think he may just be to blame because he directed it. Also, you're about 5 years late with this article.
I didn't mind Returns, Brandon Routh did fine with what he had, but as far as I'm concerned, we still havent seen a definitive Superman.

@ar8898 it's Zack Snyder, of course there will be action and kicking asses, it's what he does best.
Spidey1996 - 5/19/2011, 7:12 PM
As a huge Superman fan, Superman Returns disappointed me. Now I'm not worried for the next film because I know (we all know) Zack Znyder will make the Man of Steel a badass film.
RyKnow - 5/20/2011, 2:09 AM
@ Rockstar96 - That's a matter of opinion. Look at Snyder's track record. Yep, it's chequered. Legend of the Guardians? Sucker Punch? Yep. Superman is in the safest of hands. Not!!
And don't speak for everybody dude, it's not befitting.
CaptainTall - 5/21/2011, 9:39 AM
Legend Of The Guardians was an incredible movie, in my opinion.

And how come I've never seen this complain in a SR review:







Alright, I'm done.
EarOne - 5/21/2011, 1:13 PM
man, i've been dishing this out over in DC board. how STOOPID and unforgivable Singer is for his dumb-a22 Superman Returns. and's NOT Brandon Routh's fault. sides, it's his way of BLAMING others (Routh, the writers and the marketing people) for his own major fault is the very thing that just makes me an ANTI-Singer ever since. i used to be a fan (for his Usual Suspects and 2 X-Men movies), but after his rantings in deflecting all the blames for SR, i just dismiss him as a serious filmmaker. oh, and how about BETRAYING Fox, by going over to their competitor, leaving X3 to another director. it's mind boggling that Fox would take him back for First Class, after SR bombed. some a22 kissing must've been involved.

and now, in his latest article of looking back to SR, he admits that he made SR as a chick-flick, come ONNNN... is he TRYING to stereotyping himself as a gay filmmaker, thus, he's catering female audience for a super hero movies??? so not cool. and, again, STOOPID.
SR just shows how BIG an ego Singer's had after his success with his previous films, and that just seems to go over his head a little too much.

but, i think before singer, the ones that need to get blamed for SR, are the studio execs who HIRED Singer and green light his semi-sequel or homage or whatever concept. those guys should be hanged.
EarOne - 5/21/2011, 1:15 PM
oh, almost forgot. one thing that SR did get right is to keep using John Williams' theme.

and..if they let a dud like SR to run for THAT length of duration, i hope Marvel would be more confident with their own stuff and allow their movies to be much longer, cuz, they've been THAT good.
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