Superman Reboot should start with his Death

Superman Reboot should start with his Death

After the last article I posted, it was pretty clear what you all wanted and that was a new Superman for this genre. There's was a few of you, like me, who probably it's still stuck in 1978-1981. We must put that Superman to rest. What better way to do it than killing that Superman on screen?

Editorial Opinion
By Thekevin - Jun 29, 2010 09:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Superman

One thing we all can agree on is that the Richard Donner filmed Superman movies were classics. When I found out about "Superman Returns," I gotta admit I wasn't saying to myself "How's Brandon Routh going to portray Superman?" No, I was saying 'well how is he going to portray Christopher Reeves?' In my eyes Christopher Reeves was Superman. So, when I saw "Returns," I was more than pleased with the film (with the exception of Lois and the kid). Beginning with the intro with John williams score playing the background to the end when Brandon Routh did the classic smile and flew in to space. I loved it, because it remind me of Christopher Reeves and the Superman of old. It brought me back to when I was a kid and why I became such a huge fan.

But that was 1978 and this is 2010. It's time for people like me to let go of what life that Superman has left. Nowadays, people don't want another Lex Luthor film. They don't want another Romantic montage of Superman and Lois flying through Metropolis. Hell, people don't even want to see Superman in red underwear anymore. It's time for a change, but a proper change. Give us the Superman in the underwear, gives us the romantic montage with Superman and Lois flying through the city. Give us one more glimpse of the Superman of old... then have Doomsday come and destroy everything. Everything Richard Donner created. Not only will it give us a fresh start but it'll also be symbolic. Out with the old and in with the new. It'll symbolize the fact that the 1978 Superman is dead and buried. This generation's Superman will rise from the grave with a new look and new attitude. This Superman will throw a punch! Truth is, if you want a new Superman we must kill the old one first.

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LEEE777 - 6/29/2010, 10:04 AM

I agree!!! : P
TheUnknown - 6/29/2010, 10:23 AM
Doomsday destroying everything Donner created..... sounds fun!
CorndogBurglar - 6/29/2010, 10:28 AM
so you want to kill Superman in the beginning of the film, and then go most of the movie without him in it, and bring him back at the end? no thanks.

or do you want him to die in the beginning, and then come back like 10 minutes later? no thanks again.

no offense, but killing him off isn't the way to go in my opinion.
antonio - 6/29/2010, 10:31 AM
i agree 150% with@leee.
antonio - 6/29/2010, 10:32 AM
nice @Thekevin.
InTylerWeTrust - 6/29/2010, 10:44 AM
*Sigh* No it shouldn't. You don't need to literally destroy everything that's come before in order to do a reboot. It's completely unnecessary and only prolongs the actual reboot from doing anything meaningful when they could just easily start out with a new timeline and continuity. You don't need to spend an entire movie setting a reboot up.

And Doomsday blows. I'm fine with a Death of Superman movie, but only as like the third Superman film, one that takes place after a JLA movie.
CorndogBurglar - 6/29/2010, 12:29 PM
@ tyler
I agree with everything you said.

and Doomsday is the worst character in the history of comics. I just don't get how people can think he's this great villain. he sucks in every way.
superbatspiderman - 6/29/2010, 12:41 PM
Sounds good. I should be making my Superman Chapter 2 soon so be looking out for that or if you haven't read my Chapter 1 check it out on my fansite.
InTylerWeTrust - 6/29/2010, 12:52 PM
CDB: He's strong and can punch stuff. I think that's all some people need for a great villain :)
LEEE777 - 6/29/2010, 1:14 PM
BRAINIAC is the lamest character of the SUPERMAN villains!

(Well The Terminator ones pretty cool tho!)



15 years ago we was supposed to get a DOOMSDAY movie, enough [frick]ing waiting! : P
InTylerWeTrust - 6/29/2010, 1:27 PM
No, he's one of the best Superman villains.

It seems you just want a Michael Bay-esque, 2 hour fight scene, judging by your overuse of "EPIC!!!". Yeah, Doomsday's epic, but that counts for SHIT when he's a shit villain and when it's completely the wrong time to do a Doomsday movie.

Doomsday is a stupid character who serves no other purpose than to kill but not really kill Superman. And to grunt. Boy does he grunt with the best of 'em! I've never ever heard anyone give any sort of reason as to why Doomsday's a good villain other than "HE'S EPIKZ!"

Story-wise, it just makes no sense to do a Death of Superman movie at this point in time. They tried to engage the audience into emotion when Superman died in Returns, but it failed. It would be the same exact situation here. You know why? Because we've barely gotten to know the new Superman and his relationships with Lois, Jimmy, Batman, etc. How can we care if they don't develop the characters enough to get any good connections with them? How would it do justice to the characters by rushing what should be a story that develops over several films? For someone who makes a huge deal about sticking and doing justice to the comics, you're really doing the exact opposite by doing the Death of Superman arc in such a rushed manner.

And we've been waiting just as long for a Brainiac movie. So please stop using that lame ass excuse for doing a Doomsday movie. How about focusing on what makes sense in the current continuity and state of the franchise instead of just complaining about what we haven't gotten to see yet? But hey, story and logic don't matter, right? Throw Doomsday in there and have him kill Superman in his reboot where we are supposed to get reintroduced to the character, kill him when we barely know him and would barely care and no justice at all would be done to the character or his death. All that matters is EPIC ACTION SCENES AND BOX OFFICE GOLD! Character development? Who needs it?! Emotion and heart? Overrated! Logic, continuity, and sensible filmmaking? GTFO with that baloney! A good superhero film always has the focus set squarely on action, after all, EPICNESS = brilliant filmmaking! Just ask Bay! ROTF was critically praised for it's close attention to action and should have gotten Best Picture!

Please. Stop drinking the "EPIK!!!!" Kool-Aid for a second. Using Doomsday in the reboot not only negates the reboot's purpose, but the purpose of the Death of Superman story as well. It makes 0% of sense to do it.
AshleyWilliams - 6/29/2010, 1:37 PM
I have to agree with Tyler,again. Doomsday has no depth.
Thekevin - 6/29/2010, 3:38 PM
@corndog:I'm not talking about killing him in the beginning you "Corndog". I mean kill him in the first movie. What's a superman movie without superman?

@tyler: The death of Superman comicbook lasted like 2 months. If you can give me a Michael bay-esque fight scene between the two I'll gladly accept that. Superman and Doomsday Destroyed the whole city of Metropolis fighting. If there was any fight that needs Bay-esque explosion it's that one. Who in the world Don't know the origin of Superman. Everyone knows Superman. Reintroduced? we've been reintroduced with Tom Welling, Dean Cain and Brandon Routh. We know him already. The fight should last the entire first movie. Bring him back him back in first quarter of the second movie. When crime is at it's worst and Metallo as the main villian and Lex luthor as president. everything has to be turn upside down in the second film.
Thekevin - 6/29/2010, 3:43 PM
@Tyler. If The nolans have anything to say about it, We're not getting a JLA movie!and you know what makes Doomsday so great? HE KILLED SUPERMAN!! How many Viliians can say they did that? I think none
InTylerWeTrust - 6/29/2010, 4:02 PM
Thekevin: Well, if you literally want a 2 hour fight scene for a Superman movie, all the power to you. Personally, I want a good film that has action, but also has a brain and intelligence, with heart as well. We won't get that with a Death of Superman movie this early on, and we certainly won't get it if Lee has his way.

And yes, reintroduced. The difference is, none of the actors you listed will be playing Superman. They will not be doing the same thing they have done in prior Superman films. A new characterization and a new actor call for a reintroduction. It has nothing to do with who knows the origin, it has to do with the attachment and bond that must be made between the audience and the character. Having a 2 hour fight with no character development whatsoever accomplishes none of that.

In fact, just what does it accomplish? What's the point of doing a 2 hour fight and killing Superman if there is no character development and he just gets resurrected in the next movie? Where is the purpose? Is it really just to see a 2 hour epic fight just for the sake of seeing it? It makes no sense.

"If The nolan have anything to say about it, We're not getting a JLA movie!"

What? A JLA movie will happen eventually, with or without Nolan. He won't deliberately stop WB from doing that. All he is focusing on is making sure he finishes his Bat-trilogy the way he wants to and also just nudging the Superman reboot along the right path to greenlight. A JLA movie will include Batman, just not Nolan's Batman. I can't see how you think that Nolan won't let JLA happen.

Yeah yeah, Doomsday killed Superman! But he really didn't. Superman got resurrected soon after that. I can understand maybe if Doomsday killed Superman in some special way, but all he did was pound on him until they both "killed" each other. Doomsday is nothing special at all. Anyone could have thought of a villain who could do the same thing.
peterparker420 - 6/29/2010, 8:34 PM

TYLER- Didn't we ALREADY have this DEBATE! LOL
You know me..I said what I needed to say
last time! So I think WE are good! LMAO (again)

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By peterparker23 at 2010-06-27
NERO - 6/30/2010, 9:18 AM
I'm more in line with Tyler on this. Here's my reasoning on why killing Supes in the first film of a reboot is a bad idea.

1. It’s a reboot... simply discard what has come before, don't address it destroy it and restart it, why waste the extra time, just get on with the new story.

2. We need to get to know and love the new Superman for his death to have any emotional weight.

3. His death is predictable, you KNOW he's going to be resurrected by films end because he's freaking Superman and its the first movie of a new franchise... it kills the suspense.

4. His death should be after JLA, for the story to have weight at all you need more perspective on his death than just Lois and Ma Kent. If you hold off until after JLA and contract the actors in it to cameo in other DC films you can play up the whole "Death of a Friend" aspect that DC did so wonderfully in the comic post Superdeath.

5. Is Doomsday cool? Yes. Could he carry an entire movie as the villain? No, and for this reason: He kills Superman in the first or second act... Then what? What does a nearly mute brainless villain do aside from trash stuff for the rest of the flick until Superman inevitably come back to life?

6. Don't waste the death of Superman/Resurrection of Superman and fall of Hal Jordon connection. JLA, Supe 3 Death, GL 3 fall of Hal... it will take a while, but it unfolds better that way.
marvel72 - 7/3/2010, 8:22 AM
@ thekevin good idea, kill superman in the first film bring him back in the sequel.are you thinking rematch in the sequel or not.
i'm not sure if i would or not.
steelrocks - 7/4/2010, 12:29 PM
I think it sounds like a great idea but either for the future, like it's been mentioned, since doomsday completely knocks out the entire JLA, it need to remain truthful to that. So that would take a long time. The alternative would be to go on after that. And then in the future they make a prequel, after JLA is already out (ot shooting the prequel to superman/doomsday at the same time as JLA, but to come out later).

I did enjoy this article though more so than the great majority of the ones I've read here. I think it makes a lot of sense to kill the last superman from the 80s to give any logic to today's superman. Good job.

However showing just doomsday and superman, like in the animated feature, would be a disaster.
kashchei2003 - 8/23/2010, 11:20 AM

My Superman: Doomsday fan edit
TesDaGreat - 9/6/2010, 10:48 AM
mydragoon - 10/10/2010, 11:22 PM
i think we should keep superman as he is -- innocent, upright, etc...

but ya, we could do with the death of Superman as a reboot. make the reboot a 2-parter, continuing from Superman Returns. hist space travel in Superman Returns could have somehow attracted doomsday or some other galactic villain.

have superman killed within first hour of the movie. watch the world as they mourn over superman while destruction continues (another super villian required or perhaps not following 100% like in the comics -- doomsday survives and continues the carnage). we can even see other DC heroes making appearance in the movie.

have superman finally come back in Pt2... Make a dramatic entrance, etc... At the end, he could have his powers redefined but his 'innocence' maintained, etc...

one thing i was disappointed with Superman Returns was the sound effect just wasn't there when he returned and saved the plane. it was not dramatic enough.
kong - 1/17/2011, 5:10 AM
I think there should be a battle with metallo first some more dialouge drama then another fight with metallo and superman defeats metallo goes to the fortress of solitude sees his last message from his father and battles Doomsday for 30 minutes then they show his death all the superheroes have a funeral for him. then i the next movie its new superman time
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