Warner Bros., I am not mad at you...only disappointed.

Warner Bros., I am not mad at you...only disappointed.

Did you guys hear that we are going to see some really great DC characters finally get there own films? No?? Yeah neither did I, but hey we get to see Batman and Superman...again.

Editorial Opinion
By inkslinger616 - Aug 01, 2013 01:08 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

Don't get me wrong I am still extremely excited about the planned Man of Steel sequel but I would be even more so if you tried to give us anything that wasn't Batman and Superman. I cannot get over the fact that after all the talk revolving around a DC cinematic universe that Warner Bros. is going the cheap route to give us more Batman and more Superman. I mean for God’s sake WB, take a risk on one of your other heroes. I understand that the Green Lantern film didn't go how you wanted it to and you took a loss but it should not dissuade you to put a movie out for any of the great characters in your roster. Like Flash, a Flash movie would be dope because no one has really done a good speedster and now when they finally make one the public opinion will be that they are ripping off Marvel’s Quicksilver.

While the fan boys will know the truth the audience will sit back and say, “Hey it's another super fast guy just like in the Avengers and X-men”. I am so disappointed that after all of the Comic-Con noise and hype all we got confirmation for was a Man of Steel sequel with an appearance by the only other hero WB feels is worth taking a risk on. You are stepping on the toes of the fans, the true DC fans, that will still defend this stupid decision because they have faith in DC but in turn, they have to give that faith to Warner Bros. Look, I am a comic book geek and I will love if DC goes hard with this World’s Finest flick but Marvel is slowly taking a lead on this battle of the big two and it is getting out of hand. I can count on and be sure to receive at least two Marvel movies every year for the next five years. All I am asking is to be able to see DC give me the same kind of commitment.

I am in no way saying that the Man of Steel sequel will fail, in fact I am positive it will be one of, if not the biggest movie of 2015 and I will be there on opening night but all great things must begin with a risk and I am sorry but there is nothing risky about showing us the same old shit over and over. I guess my gripe as a fan is that I have seen Batman and I have seen Superman, never together which will be new, but is it so much to ask that you take a shot in the dark like Marvel did with Iron Man? It all comes back to the Flash if you produce a quality Flash movie people will be asking: where the hell has this guy been?

I am severely let down by the whole concept of it, I would rather have seen an established Batman reboot and another hero begin another franchise that could possibly lead into the fabled Justice League movie and then later on down the road give us this Batman/Superman team up, but I am just a fan and WB cares more about the shareholders and executives than the opinion of any fan. Here is an idea; Give DC their own studio much like Marvel Studios, keep Snyder, fire Goyer, bring in Geoff Johns, Bruce Timm and some others and get some work done on this catch up process. If you want me or any fan to get really excited about your shared DC universe we really need to see more than just The Dark Knight and Big Blue getting a slice of the pie. Once again this has been your friendly neighborhood inkslinger bidding you adieu. Peace.

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Highflyer - 8/1/2013, 1:15 PM
I think green lantern deserves another shot.
tvor03 - 8/1/2013, 1:22 PM
Right there with ya. I'd gladly take a Flash film, though I would rather have Wonder Woman on screen first. Aquaman would be awesome. WB needs to sack up and start playing ball. Its halftime and Disney/Marvel have made a comeback and are turning this into a blowout.
GinjaNinja - 8/1/2013, 1:50 PM
I'm a marvel fan through and through. A flash movie will not be called a rip off of Quicksilver. EVERYONE knows the flash. It will be more of quicksilver is a rip off of him. especially since quicksilver is taking a back seat more than likely in the avengers. That being said, Marvel is miles ahead of DC right now. All DC has is the fact that marvel doesn't own everyone. They are missing Wolverine, Spiderman (Their most popular superhero's probably), the X-men (Just as popular as the Justice League and Avengers) and Fantastic four. DC has a chance to really nail some stuff down while Marvel is crippled. but they have to put their trust in their B-listers. Green Lantern needs another shot. Just like Marvel did another hulk. The solo film was mediocre but it got them past the origins just enough to let him into the avengers where he killed it. I felt just like you with the MoS2. I was like, ok so instead of other characters DC is so pansy they just stick to the only 2 they can make? But don't worry by 2018 they will have about 5 movies out and will get the Justice league. hopefully.
aresww3 - 8/1/2013, 2:26 PM
Good article: Wonder Woman and Flash need a film.
Highflyer - 8/1/2013, 2:30 PM
@dougieisrollingthejays, The Incredible Hulk was mediocre? Pleeeease? :p
Ocelot - 8/1/2013, 3:14 PM
WB have wanted to do Batman/Superman since 2007, if not for Christopher Nolans reluctance and the Batman explosion after The Dark Knight it would have happened by now. The plan was for Superman and Batman to team up after Superman returns, but Nolan said no. Furthemore Batman/Superman crossover hasn't been done in a live action feature film, so it's actually new, idea is much more interesting than Justice League.

A Wonder Woman movie would bomb, character is also easy to [frick] up, ensemble character at most.
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 4:07 PM
@Blackjack...I will praise Man of Steel but those three 'awesome' Batman movies you refer to were complete shit in my opinion. As stated before I like the nolan trilogy only slightly better than Batman and Robin. If your superhero film delivers great villains and a consistently shitty hero I would call it a fail there is nothing the WB has done to convince me that they can be praised. Nolan trilogy sucked so what if it made a shit ton of money so did Iron Man 3 and that sucked ass
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 4:21 PM
@soto...there is nothing big and unexpected about seeing the only two characters the WB seems to think DC has in its roster. It is a movie that has been talked about for years and should have been done while Burton was running the show. Marvel has delivered three huge franchises with relatively unknown characters and they have more on deck. So no, even a hardcore DC guy shouldn't be happy with this plan if anything the DC guys should be pissed off that they have to wait two years to see this team up and at least another 3 or 4 years for something new and fresh. All I see coming is another great comic book (The Dark Knight Returns) chopped up and butchered ala Watchmen. So you shouldn't let your ignorant Nolan dick riding cloud your judgement. There is nothing to be proud of when it comes to this film. The DC/WB comic-con panel announced this and....well crickets. Still at least I know I am getting The Avengers: AOU and Ant-Man in 2015 and Star Wars and Batman/Superman but I would trade any one of them for something innovative to come from DC.
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 4:26 PM
My expectations were high because Marvel set them that high. Is it wrong of me to want an actual DC cinematic universe instead of getting to see Batman for the eight time and Superman for the seventh?
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 4:29 PM
@dougie...by 2018 DC will have 5 movies out and Marvel will have something like 15 films in a connected expansive shared cinematic universe? WB=FAIL.
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 4:46 PM
Marvel Studios filmography
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk
Captain America:TFA
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Captain America:TWS
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Avengers:AOU
All of them connected in one massive universe

WB/DC filmography foregoing Burton's Batman, Shumacher's Batman and Reeves' Superman
Batman Begins*
Superman Returns*
The Dark Knight*
The Dark Knight Rises*
Man of Steel**
*two stand alone universes **Shared universe
It seems a bit one sided to me
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 5:45 PM
I never said batman is a shitty hero I said Nolan's Batman i.e. Christian Bale was ashitty hero in his three films as the Caped Crusader
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 5:50 PM
Christian Bale is not even as good a Batman as Clooney or Kilmer. The Nolan version of Batman was a watered down whiny as Bruce growly as Batman pretentious douche bag he pulled Bruce Wayne off(barely) but his Batman was not the world's greatest detective or even the stoic protector of Gotham that he should be in what half ass world does Batman take eight years off of work because he hurt his leg. I don't hate those films I own them and have watched them countless times but the fact remains that if any other director had made those films people would have flipped their shit.
LEVITIKUZ - 8/1/2013, 7:25 PM
Lets be honest, Batman is one of the top 2 DC characters. When we have our little

Fanboy prediction plans

most of you guys had it set up like Marvel's Way but introduced Batman in JL with DC having 3-4 films before.

That's not the right way.

I think we can agree on 2 things:

Batman should be rebooted (unless Bale's back. Fine with that)

Batman shouldn't have a reboot film.

TASM is a reboot of a film series that took place 10 years ago and it is the lowest Spidey movie.

Introducing Batman with Superman is actually smart to introduce Batman in the world.

Come on dorks you need to introduce Bats before JL but you shouldn't give him a solo movie so what do you do?

Worlds Finest.
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 7:29 PM
Nolan unknown? No Memento had a huge following amongst geek and non geek culture alike Nolan had made quite a name for himself long before he took on the Dark Knight. Memento, Following and Insomnia were huge cult films so if you say Nolan was unknown it makes me think you don't know too much about cinema in general.
Tainted87 - 8/1/2013, 9:53 PM
All I have to say is, I like Levi's new avatar.
Just playin...
World's Finest is a guaranteed money-maker. WB doesn't seem to have faith in their properties, and they want to take baby steps. This is NOTHING NEW. It is progress, however - their first crossover.
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 10:29 PM
Oh take it to the bank this movie is going to be awesome but it shows me that there is not going to be very much planning as they proceed. I mean say what you will about Kevin feige but he had a plan and stuck to it
inkslinger616 - 8/1/2013, 10:43 PM
I don't think WB or DC has a guy like that. I am not saying I want a DCCU that is a carbon copy of the Marvel formula but I just wish they would take a shot damned be the financial consequences Iron Man took that shot and now we are on our way to an Avebgers sequel and another totally unknown property in GOTG. I have real faith that DC could pull that off with The Flash or Aquaman I don't believe Wonder Woman is truly viable as a successful lead into any sort of super bad ass ensemble but to be introduced in a JLA flick then spin out on her own of course she would be a hit. I am just very let down that it is right in front of them that this can be done they choose to do the same two characters that they have milked since Christopher Reeves put on the cape. Marvel had the potential to tank because they had in the past; Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, Fantastic Four twice etc.) but they took the risk and [frick]in nailed it. I guess I thought after Man of Steel was so successful they would grow some balls
JorEllinator - 8/2/2013, 2:14 AM
This only started at 2008 remember guys. DC and pretty much everyone else thought that it wasn't going to work. Batman Begins was released in 2005 and Dark Knight had already gone into filming by time the MCU was announced, there was no chance for Batman as it was too realistic and Nolan needed to wrap up his story. Green Lantern was released in 2011, they released this realising that it could work, but it didn't for them. DC had given up by this point but then trailers and stuff was released for Avengers, so they pushed back Man of Steel to try again. It's not a matter of DC being lazy, it's a matter of Marvel thought of it first and had an advantage.
Also guys, remember how much pre production it takes to make one of these. Marvel is one step ahead and has been ever since around 2005 or 2006, Marvel has had time and preparation, they are doing 2 at a time because they already know what they are doing about 2 years before they do it.
Marvel had the characters who just happened to be Avengers. If Marvel had the full package they would probably start with Spider-man and maybe Hulk or Wolverine as they are the most popular Marvel characters.
CPBuff22 - 8/2/2013, 2:36 AM
They had a script for Superman vs Batman in 2002. Time Warner has a history of throwing away lucrative properties their executives don't understand. They have shown for years they would prefer to take the easiest path possible. That can bee seen not only in how they handled the DC property but how they handled both WCW & New Line Studios, both lucrative companies that no longer exist.
Ocelot - 8/2/2013, 8:32 AM
Nolan didn't become big(big in the terms of popularity and recognition) until after The Dark Knight and Inception. Before those two movies he was at the same stage where David Fincher is right now, both had made a bunch of very good small cult followeing films, Nolan; Memento, Insomia, The Prestige, Fincher; Fight Club, Se7en, Panic Room but neither were really known to the general public or a household name like a Steven Spielberg or a James Cameron.

Nolan though not as popular or as recognised as a Spielberg or Cameron has become this whilst Fincher has not as he hasn't had a breakout movie like Nolan did with The Dark Knight and Inception.

Most people dont know or associate David Fincher with a film like Fight Club, it's associated with Brad Pitt, whilst Inception and the recent Batman movie are associated to Nolan first before the actors, just like how Cameron is with Avatar and Spielberg with Jurassic Park.

Nolan may have been known on the internet but he was indeed unknown to the general public.
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