Rationale and perspective: Quicksilver in both Days of Future Past and The Avengers 2

Rationale and perspective: Quicksilver in both Days of Future Past and The Avengers 2

I tell you why Quicksilver appearing in both movies isn't a bad thing, why it can successfully work and why the hysteria over it possibly happening is nothing but moronic and embarrassing.

Editorial Opinion
By Ocelot - May 24, 2013 06:05 PM EST
Filed Under: X-Men

Yesterday X-Men:Days of future past director Bryan Singer broke the news through a tweet via Twitter that the white haired speedster would also appear in the 2014 film played by Evan Peters, almost a year before Joss Whedon planned to use him in his upcoming film The Avengers 2, which hit screen a year later in 2015.

As expected this caused a huge overblown and overreaction at the matter, where Fox Studios and Singer are being called this and that and are apparently out to “sabotage” Marvel Studios, due to Whedon announcing before Singer that he planned to use the character. There’s also a notion that Whedon will have to remove the characters that he wanted to include from his script and the film due to Fox “stealing” them despite legally owning the rights to also use the character.

So let's look at why Singer has decided to use the character in his film and why it's possibly not something he suddenly decided to implement and churn out whilst on the toilet seat last Thursday.

He wanted the character in X-Men First Class

Two years ago in a fan Q&A Singer (who was involved in the story and a producer on the film) stated ago that a character that he wanted in First Class, development in 2010 by the way, was in fact Quicksilver.

He referenced the character in X-Men 2

In X-Men 2(directed by Singer), both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were referenced as Maximoff's and appeared on a list which was compiled of mutants.

The character’s father is in the film

For those we don’t know, in the comics the master of magnetism, Magneto, is the father of both Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Magneto will be one of the main characters in the film, which could see the character interact with his son and present an interesting sub-plotline and dynamic if used, whether or not this happens remains to be seen.

The script of the film was written last year and is not in “early stages” like The Avengers 2 script

The script for this film was written and finished last year; additionally Singer became director of the movie in October 2012 and not after Whedon confirmed that the character was in his script last week.

Singer reportedly has designed a specific “action” sequence for Quicksilver

This could be similar to how characters with certain powers have been used for visual sequences in previous X-Men films e.g. Nightcrawler teleporting in The White House in X-Men 2 and Riptide creating water tornadoes in First Class.

The general concensus is that the character showing up in Days of Future Past will be detrimental to the version in The Avengers 2. Let’s look at reasons why that won’t be the case.

One (quicksilver) will be more far prominent and fleshed out in one film than the other

Though both versions of the character will have supporting roles in their upcoming films, The Quicksilver in The Avengers 2 will have a larger and more substantial role in that film with most likely more than one action sequence. Whedon has alluded that he’s got an arc for Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch in his film “You know, they had a rough beginning. They’re interesting to me because they sort of represent the part of the world that wouldn’t necessarily agree with The Avengers. So they’re not there to make things easier." Furthermore Singer has reportedly designed a specific and sole action sequence for Quicksilver in his film which further indicates that the character won’t have that much of a role in the film.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch will have new backstories and won’t be mutants in The Avengers 2

In Days of future past, Quicksilver will be a mutant and possibly Magneto's son, whilst in The Avengers 2 he'll be something else (Inhuman, Kree, a product of the Higher Evolutionary etc,it remains to be seen) with a confirmed sister instead of a possible father and will be completely unconnected to the DOFP counterpart with exception of the name. This will distinguish the two versions from each other.

They’ll look different visually

With the exception of the white coloured hair, which comes in many shades, the two versions will look different from each on screen. They’ll have different costumes. Despite their powers being the same you can showcase it in different ways to make it visually look different on screen despite the power being the same e.g. using speed trail effects, quick fast paced shots or slow motion.

Take a look at the flying variation in these two clips, note how despite them essentially being the same (power) they come across as different due to the presentation style and shots used.

The character isn’t that “big”

Too many are acting like we’re about to see to see two different versions of Spiderman or Batman by two different studios. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch won’t be the main characters in The Avengers 2, as it’s an Avengers movie, they’ll be supporting characters. They’re also not that well known to warrant any sort of confusion among the average movie goer. We won’t be seeing two carbon copy clones of the character for that to be the case. Additionally Quicksilver will only be called “Quicksilver” in one movie and only “Pietro” in another.

So calm down and get a bit of perspective; it’s not the end of the world, Fox/Singer aren’t the devil incarnate and are not out to “sabotage” Marvel Studios or even trying to do so, both versions of the character will work fine and perfectly in conjunction with one another in their respective movies.

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LEVITIKUZ - 5/24/2013, 7:20 PM
I don't get why people are complaining. Seriously when did everyone become a Quicksilver fan? How many of you knew this character even existed? I didn't know him until I watched Wolverine & The X-Men when that was on TV.

Lets be honest, how big can he be? He will have one scene in X-Men and have a role as big as Hawkeye in Avengers 2. It's not like he's the main character. Hell he isn't even going to have his own movie. Why would he? He had one solo series that lasted 13 issues.

I'm starting to hate the character because everyone is making a big deal over him. I do believe Joss could do well with the character but then again, did Joss really do anything special with Hawkeye? Not a diss, I trust him more than Stinker.

Let him be in both films and before Avengers 2, Marvel should have a sign that says "The Quicksilver in DOFP isn't the same as the one in the film."
OrgasmicPotatoe - 5/24/2013, 8:05 PM
Thank you, good sir.
BritishKnight - 5/24/2013, 8:15 PM
Hmm, that image makes me think that they probably referred to the twins as "Maximoff (2)" in X2 because Fox doesn't have the rights to the names Pietro and Wanda.

We probably shouldn't look too much into that screenshot though we can't be sure if Singer had oversight over that list or if he just said have the computer reference some x-men characters and the prop team just picked the names at random or the name of their favorite characters, not Singers.

Also I agree too many people are putting too much emphasis on such a minor character but I've always like Quicksilver as a character. It's an interesting quirk, he's not necessarily evil everyone else is just slow and it frustrates the sh-t out of him.

There's a great scene in the first volume of ultimate x-men where the Brotherhood warned everyone to evacuate a building that they were going to blow up and quicksilver gets impatient and pulls the trigger causing a ton of casualties. Which makes half the team furious. That personality quirk makes this character work so well in a group dynamic. He's more than just a Flash rip-off.
Odin - 5/25/2013, 5:09 AM
Excellent editioral, sir. Personally, I don't see that why couldn't he be in both franchises, actually I want to see him in both Avengers 2 and DOFP.
sikwon - 5/25/2013, 1:59 PM
I despise Synger, Fox and what they have done to the X-Men.
NovaCorpsFan - 5/25/2013, 7:48 PM
Hey, Levi, of course we knew he existed. Know why? 'Cause we read comics not just watch shit cartoons and movies. Btw, the character has existed for over 50 YEARS! So maybe, just maybe, he's got a few fans.
PeterBenjaminParker - 5/25/2013, 11:59 PM
The way I understand it is that MCU Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch can still be mutants, but they can't be referred to as such by name. Maybe they'll just say that their powers are the next stage of human evolution? If not, they can go with the Ultimate universe explanation and refer to them as off-shoots of the Super Soldier program.

I really don't think Fox and Singer included Quicksilver to spite Marvel, and I'm indifferent to his inclusion in DoFP.
ruadh - 5/26/2013, 6:47 AM
The thing people keep saying about how the script was written last year...I don't see how that's a factor at all.

I keep pointing out how things change, plot-wise, during production. There's NOTHING uncommon about being the middle of shooting a film, and making many changes to the script. This includes adding characters.

X-Men started shooting last month. If Quicksilver was in the script already, they would have cast him sometime before the middle of shooting. If he was a major character in the film, they would have cast him before shooting started.

Those things lead me to believe he'll have one scene, and it was thought of recently. I'm making absolutely no comments about the motivation behind it, but that's clearly the case.
Ocelot - 5/26/2013, 11:15 AM

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch cant be called Mutant's in the MCU, there also cant be any mention of Magneto being their father. They can only be reffered to as Avengers. Whilst in the X-men universe they can be referred to as mutants and can only be known as "Quciksilver" and "Scarlet Witch", whilst in The Avengers movie they can only be called "Pietro" and "Wanda"
Ocelot - 5/26/2013, 11:23 AM

He'll be on the 70's team,if they refer to him as Magneto's son
Ocelot - 5/26/2013, 12:34 PM

How or when Fox Studios chooses to exercise their usage rights to use the character of Quicksilver has no bearing whatsoever on when Marvel Studios chooses to exercise their rights to the character.

Days of Future past started filming last month, the filming for the movie ends in October. So they're not in the middle of filming it.

Additionally this is a character that will require CGI it's not the same as just implenting a character into a movie who will just have 4 or 5 lines. They've got to know what type of sequence it is, how it will work in the movie, what type of effect will they, how much it will cost, what the character will look like etc.

Singer has already stated that George Nixon is in the film in some capacity, yet the actor for that role hasn't been cast yet, additionally filming for another movie, The Amazing Spiderman started in February and Chris Cooper was cast as Norman Osborn in late February. But you know I guess these were late additions. Also if you had read the editorial, you would have seen that Singer wanted to use the character two years ago in X-Men: First Class.

Also let's say that Fox have suddenly done this out of the blue to "sabotage" or to "spite" Marvel studios, please tell me what the beneficial gain is? I mean I didn't know that Quicksilver was as popular as Spider-Man or Batman, I didn't know that Quicksilver sell tons or merchandise, I didn't know that people will flock to this film just for that character like with Iron Man.

At the end of the day, the only who are making a damn fuss about this are comic book fans. I mean if Fox were putting their own Iron man into the film who looked exactly like RDj, then there would at least be a credible basis for the hysteria that I've seen over this. However they aren't, they're inserting a character that most people dont know about into a film that can provide a very good visual action sequence, something that they've done in almost every X-Men film so far.
Ocelot - 5/26/2013, 12:47 PM
@Odin & @SotoJuiceMan

We'll get two versions and they'll work just fine in their movies that their featured in.

ruadh - 5/26/2013, 1:33 PM

Was that whole post directed to me? You're making arguments against things I never stood for, so I'm assuming not.

I guess I should have said not-literal-middle? Is that really an issue? They're in the middle of filming. Not the EXACT middle second of the production schedule. Semantics. But jeez, they're really filming until October? Better be good.

Also, I know you guys are really hung up on "quicksilver was supposed to be in First Class", but it's really neither here nor there. Did they take his scenes out, and are plugging them, unchanged, into this script? Or was it something that just didn't work out, and now they're putting him in this movie? Because...I sincerely don't think it has any bearing that they wanted to before, but didn't. I doubt I'm conveying my point that well, but it just doesn't matter, as it's just not going to be the same portrayal in this film as it woudl have been in First Class. For all intents and purposes, it will be a different character than it would have been a few years ago. It's like Wasp almost being in Avengers....she wasn't though. Her almost being included in the film doesn't mean anything to me as far as her chances of being in the next Avengers, and even if she is...her role will be completely different from what it would have been in the first movie. So that doesn't make it some kinda interchangable character you just plug into the script...didn't work, so you plug into the next one instead.

I agree it's only comic fans who are making a fuss. Non-comic fans will most likely not even notice he's in both movies because it won't be recognizable as the same character, or based on at least. My only real reason for joining in is to essentially say "don't worry about it". I never said Singer or FOx is trying to bite their thumb at Marvel/Whedon. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, I don't even care. I doubt it though. People, especially on the internet, ESPECIALLY teenage nerds just like to get in an uproar about dumb stuff. It'll die down eventually, and when the movies come out, they'll realize it was nothing...but have a whole new meaningless war to fight.
Ocelot - 5/26/2013, 2:42 PM

I apologise, it was a rant out of frustration and not just directed at you. I was reading another article about the issue at the time, and just got fed up of reading the same recycled rubbish about this non-issue. I know you were just and only challenging the point about the script, and from what you've also wrote, it sounds like you're in the same camp as me regarding the issue.

"I agree it's only comic fans who are making a fuss. Non-comic fans will most likely not even notice he's in both movies because it won't be recognizable as the same character, or based on at least. My only real reason for joining in is to essentially say "don't worry about it"

This was why I did the editorial in the first place.

ruadh - 5/26/2013, 2:56 PM
Right on.
PeterBenjaminParker - 5/27/2013, 4:05 AM

Ah, okay. Thought I read it somewhere >.>

The more I think about it, QS inclusion in DOFP might be a good thing for his and SW's MCU counterpart. Since he'll appear in DOFP first, general audiences will become acquainted with the character. Marvel can just simply not mention their origin in Avengers 2 and, viola they can still be mutants.

I really don't think general audiences will be confused, as we had two Snow White films last year, and people could tell the difference.
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