Why the X-Men Franchise Desperately Needs to be Rebooted

Why the X-Men Franchise Desperately Needs to be Rebooted

BB52 explains why and how the X-Men franchise should continue on

Editorial Opinion
By BB52 - Nov 17, 2013 12:11 AM EST
Filed Under: X-Men

Why the X-Men Needs to be Rebooted

Obviously, the current X-Men franchise, spearheaded by Bryan Singer and Fox, is in shambles. They have had some success with X2, X-Men: First Class and possibly X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), but these stories are not true to the comic books. Now, I'll list why that is true

1. Characters
Right now, the movies really only have three characters fans can get behind as true incarnations of the decades old comic book characters readers have gotten to know so fondly: Magneto, Charles Xavier, and Wolverine. These characters are perfect in the X-Men Cinematic Universe, yet nearly all the rest are throwaway characters that disrespect the source materials, or just cameos with the only intent of keeping rights away from Marvel Studios. Let's start with the X-Men themselves. The member featured so far have been limited to Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Angel, Colossus, Iceman, Rogue, Kitty Pryde, Wolverine, Havok, Banshee, Darwin, and Professor X. Out of all these mentioned, I can't honestly say I like any of them, except of course for Wolverine and the Professor. Most of all of these characters could have been any generic mutant. Beast in X3 was played magnificently by Kelsey Grammar, but if they had cast any other actor, Beast would not have been memorable at all. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Havok (assumed), Darwin, and Banshee (also assumed) are no longer X-Men or dead, which is a huge waste of these fantastic characters. So far, the relationship between Havok and Cyclops has not been addressed in any way, and may never be, considering that the time period between the two could not possibly relate them as being brothers. Darwin was killed off immediately, and was given no chance for character growth. And despite some interesting scenes in the Wolverine (2013), Jean Grey's character, one of the most significant in the regular Marvel Universe, has been dismissed as an object for a love triangle for Cyclops and Wolverine. Even in X3, which was based off of the Phoenix Saga, nobody remembered or cared for her character. The rest of these (Colossus, Shadowcat, Rogue, Angel and Iceman) are just so poorly played by their actors that they're barely recognizable, except for their power. Hell, Angel was never even technically an X-Men, despite being a founding member in the comics. Shadowcat is being treated most heinously of all, being the main character in Days of Future Past, but being sidelined in a major way for the actual film. The bad guys of the series has consisted of basically one man for all non Wolverine films: Magneto. All the other characters have been auxiliary at best, with really only Mystique in X1 and X2 and Sabretooth in X-Men: Origins Wolverine standing out as good characters. Sabretooth in X1 was majorly miscast and given 0 lines to boot.

The relationships between characters (brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, friends, allies, fathers, mothers, etc) is integral to the X-Men in the comics. However, they are largely ignored in the film series in favor of more Wolverine. Wolverine and Sabretooth's relationship was very well explored in his solo film, but was non existent in X-Men (2000). Xavier's and Magneto's was also very well executed, but this is where it stops. Jean Grey and Cyclops were never portrayed as the inseparable duo as they are in the comics, Azazel and Nightcrawler's father-son dynamic is also nonexistent, as is Cyclops's and Havok's being brothers. Many characters are straight up ignored after their film. These characters the whole Hellfire Club, Toad, every Omega Gang member in X3, Juggernaut, Havok, and Banshee. So many characters are "reimagined" for the purposes of visual effects and action scenes that they are unrecognizable and odd to movie viewers. It seems to me that the only character that anyone cares about is Wolverine, and Magneto and Xavier has simply gotten lucky with superb casting as both young and old selves.

2. Story
The X-Men are integral to the Marvel Comic Book Universe and their stories extend beyond time and space. So far, the X-Men plots in the movies have been extremely limited. For the first 3 films, they never ventured outside of New York and each of them were really exactly the same: mutant equality rights are addressed, Magneto does something bad, Wolverine becomes angsty and some point or another, and there's a big battle at the end that culminates in Magneto and his brotherhood either dying or going to jail, only to escape in the next movie. Hopefully, this all changes Days of Future Past, but this has been the current way of going about things. To be fair, they have adapted some of the most iconic story arcs in X-Men history: The Dark Phoenix Saga, God Loves, Man Kills, Origins: Wolverine, the Japan Saga for Wolverine, and arguably First Class. However, they messed up all of them, except for God Loves, Man Kills (which was superbly modified) and the Japan Saga for the Wolverine. If a reboot was to continue, the Dark Phoenix Saga could be a film series of epic proportions, that would be the dark and gritty superhero movie everybody seems to want, while also being something light with inclusions of characters like Nightcrawler, Banshee and Iceman. Nothing for that story was right, making matters worse for X3, already under the helm of Brett Ratner. In the next film, there will be time travel involved, but the X-Men are also very much international and often venture into space. None of this has happened which makes me very mad.

3. How the Reboot would go (my ideas)
Preferably, the series would have at least six films (not including origins and spinoffs). The first film would be based off of the true first class (cyclops, grey, beast, iceman, angel). It may be a bit repetitive, but i have a feeling by the time a reboot comes around it wouldn't be too reminiscent. This would be largely based off the 60's story lines, and hopefully would have Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in their true forms. The next two movies would be based around the Giant Sized X-Men cast of X-Men, which has Wolverine as he originally was, a supporting character. The X-Men films would be an ensemble cast, so there would be no major character, kinda like The Avengers. The next two movies would be based off of the Dark Phoenix saga, infusing elements from the 70's and 80's. The next movie would be Magneto centric, introducing Xorn as a major villain/ally, depending on where Magneto stands. The next movie would be based off of the current comic book story arc, Schism, and however Wolverine would not be the centric role, it would be Iceman. Iceman has been very underused in all forms of media, and he has a lot of potential. I am not sure what it the last film would be, but I would like for it to be based of of The Age of Apocalypse, which may lead into more films.

In conclusion, I (and many others I'm sure) would prefer a new continuity to this current one, one that would do justice to the X-Men characters and story arcs and have films that would actually be remembered, no fluff movies like Origins and X3.
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Alphadog - 11/17/2013, 1:16 AM
You didn't like how Nightcrawler was potrayed? He might of been underused but he was pretty good in X-men 2. By that matter Beast has been well potrayed to. Rebooting the series wouldn't be that bad but I still don't care about seeing these stories retold. I'd rather they continued the series but utilised the characters more and better.
OcciferPing - 11/17/2013, 4:25 AM
To be fair X-Men has A LOT of characters. It's tough to focus primarily on many when you have to still continue telling the story. It's not like a comic in your case where you can have unlimited amount of time or a series. You have at least 2 hours (120 pages) to tell an entire story.

And not venturing outside of New York? Are you serious? X2 they were at Alkalai Lake. X3 they were in San Francisco.
PeterPetrelliParker - 11/17/2013, 7:28 AM
I've dreamed of an X-Men film with the original 5 fighting the original Brotherhood. The early dynamic of those teams in the comics works so well.
sikwon - 11/17/2013, 8:33 AM
I despise the X movies. By far my favorite comic but the movies have been terrible. The a brite spot here and there but really they are just not good. Even when marvel makes changes they are good oned that strengthen a character and move the story forward.
Moohika - 11/17/2013, 10:27 AM
Reboot everything but keep Hugh Jackman as Wolvie
MrCameron - 11/17/2013, 12:31 PM
I'm with MexicanSuperman, I think that DoFP is going to wipe the post - First Class continuity clean so that we get sort of a reboot a la Star Trek led by MacAvoy. That way, we get a chance to see a more comic - accurate X-Men like people want to see, the creative team can do whatever they want without the timeline constraints, and everybody wins.
Lhornbk - 11/17/2013, 3:50 PM
*sigh,* once again we have a fanboy whining and moaning and crying about how the movies "direspected" the source material and didn't follow the comics and didn't use the characters correctly. *sigh*

I keep saying this. The majority of people who watch these movies do NOT know, and do NOT care, about being true to the comics. We want good movies with characters we can care about and relate to. The X-Men movies have been fairly good (I even liked the third, but I understand why others didn't. The Wolverine Origins movie was ok, but nothing great.) The last thing most people want are movies that just take comic storylines and convert them to the big screen. I don't understand why fanboys want that. You would know what was gonna happen. If you want to get some ideas from the comics that's fine, but put some originality into it too.

I will address one of your specific complaints. First, Ellen Page does a great job as Kitty Pryde. You complained that the new movie doesn't send her into the past, but Wolverine instead. But, considering the timeline they're using, and the method of time travel (sending a person into the body of himself in an earlier time period), it's impossible to use Kitty. She hasn't even been born yet in the 70s, where they are sending Wolverine. They can't use her. Wolverine is really the only option.
SimpleeComplex - 11/18/2013, 4:21 AM
@Lhornbk your insightfulness about the majority of the people watching these films "general audience" (ga) have no clue or even care about the comic source material is spot on. You are one of these people. Yes BB52 is a fanboy and his passion about what he loves can come across irritating to you. But consider your statement about "converting comics to film not working because everyone would know what happens" And "being original". Your statement seems to lack logic and could possibly be reconsidered under different light.

First off comic books are a form of literature. The comic format has been able to speak volumes about social issues, isolaition, gender clashes, etc. Graphic novels such as Maus which use anthropomorhpic mice to tell a harrowing tale of a family escaping Nazi Germany have been critically acclaimed. So yes it is imperative that the movies translate these stories with as little deviation in order to convey the depth and meaning they have in the comics. Understood things need to be modified for wider appeal e.g. using modern timelines such as 2000's instead of the 80's, swapping Kitty for Logan for continutity. But for the most part it needs to be a respectful adaptation not something that vaguely resembles the souce. Your point is like taking The Hunger Games (based on a book) and making Katniss a supporting character and making Peeta the main star. Not only does this disrespect the source but it ditches deeper issues such as female empowerment, and would make it a typical "tough guy beats up people and gets the girl in the end". And that's what X-films have done, taking Cyclops the stoic, disciplined and defacto leader of the team and relegating him to a side character who is now non existent. They've taken Storm, an African American woman who earned team leadership of her team in the 70's into a weak supporting character to Wolverine and who demonstrates a fraction of her weather altering powers. Ignoring the sibling rivalry between Prof. X and Juggernaut is NOT original it is undermining. Choosing to not explore the prominent familial bonds between Cyclops, Jean and Havok is NOT original it is absurd.

If the ga such as yourself would just take a little time out to research the source material instead of just gobbling up the slop you're being spoon fed, then hollywood would be forced to put out better product. This reminds me of when i heard a guy nearby say "I wanna watch dat Gatsby movie, it look good!" After being told that it's based on the book The Great Gatsby he replied "what?!" and his interest waned.

Just food for thought. You both bring out good points for discussion.
CharlesLord - 11/18/2013, 2:12 PM
Very good write up. I agree that it seems like modifications were made just to make them and it lost the essence of wat the team was about in order to explore Logans background when they shouldve just done that in his own solo films. Even after this whole continuity reboot, still dont know if I trust Fox cuz nothing about DOFP has me excited
AnthonyLantern - 11/18/2013, 4:39 PM
Honestly, I would be perfectly fine if DOFP was the last X-men movie of this series. 7 films in 14 years is enough for me. We need to start fresh...and this time actually use Cyclops and make him the leader he is meant to be.
BB52 - 11/18/2013, 8:09 PM
Alan Cumming played Nightcrawler perfectly, given the stuff he had to work with. But despite the appearance, he barely had any similarities to the original one. "Real" Nightcrawler is a swashbuckling hero, a funny prankster. What was shown in the movie was not that. Sure they got the religious stuff right, but other than that... And I did say I loved Beast in X3
MightyZeus - 11/18/2013, 9:10 PM
I think it would be okay if DOFP was the last of this X-men series. I would like to see the team from the First Class comics have there own film and have that film be the pin point of a start of a new franchise.

AshleyWilliams - 11/19/2013, 8:11 AM
I completely agree.
robsncoppers - 11/19/2013, 12:57 PM
I LOVE that X-men has the tenacity NOT to reboot. I disliked The Amazing Spider-man because I still felt invested in the characters of Sam Raimi's movies. The reboot felt very unnecessary and dismissive. While X-men has been going on for an impressively long time and is much more ripe for reboot than Spider-man was, I still find it refreshing that I can go to the theater and watch the character's I have already gotten to know.
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