The Dark Knight: Overrated or Underrated?

The Dark Knight: Overrated or Underrated?

Is The Dark Knight truely overrated, or a victim of harsh attacks, click here to see my thoughts...

Editorial Opinion
By XxBatmanCrusaderxX - Jul 19, 2011 12:07 PM EST
Filed Under: The Dark Knight Rises

Throughout the next few moments we have I plan to discuss how many CBM's can be overrated, underrated, and misjudged. One major victim of criticism is The Dark Knight, with the "Nolanites" and what I consider "Marvelites", going head to head. But is this movie really underrated, or do people enjoy proving it is not a perfect movie? Here is what I think.
Many people like to prove that The Dark Knight is not a perfect movie, which it obviously isn't. But are any movies really perfect? No. When people pick apart a movie they have valid reasons, and bad reasons. So I'm going to go ahead and dive into those questions.

1. It is not realistic:
Well, no not completely, but then again it is the most realistic CBM. Besides, do we really want to sit through a six hour movie just so everything is explained? Many people had a problem with there being no history of the joker on police records. Now this would be something that is nearly impossible to do. That would take time, and recourses, all of which the Joker has. Now leaving this unexplained in the movie adds to who Joker is, a symbol. Just as Batman is a figure of hope, Joker is a figure of Anarchy, and nor Batman or Joker's identity are known. So for your viewing enjoyment, they left that out.
Now let's talk Two-Face. Two-Face obviously had a short time, but impacting time on the big screen. And many people seem to think his condition is not realistic, so let me explain a few things here. When Two-Face has half of his face burned off, a thick lair of scar tissue formed, which would eventually skin. Which is a very survivable condition, but he would be in extreme pain, and he would also need frequent drops of eye drops. So is his condition realistic? Yes. Would it be extremely painful? Yes. But yet again they make it quick and easy for your viewing pleasure.
As for the gadgets, that's a different story. Wayne Enterprise created special operations weaponry that only the elite would use, and some of the stuff is Wayne Enterprises dirty little secret. So this weaponry obviously wouldn't be available for the public. So all of the weaponry is indeed possible, but no available for the public.

2. Following story lines and actor's portrayal
Now a screenplay is its own story. It takes bits and pieces from other Batman stories, but never follows them exactly. Nolan combines stories beautifully, but doesn't follow them. So degrading the story and complaining it's campy really doesn't say anything. Of course you have Sam Raimi who would put too many characters in to a two hour movie. Some stories are flawed and make no sense, but that does not account for Nolan's movies.
Now people complain about the Joker's portrayal, and origin. For one, the Joker needs no origin. The Joker is a symbol just as Batman, and they both have hidden identities. The Joker's origin is unnecessary to the true plot line, and would be unnecessary to include. And it is really a pathetic way to degrade a movie, "Well it's not what I wanted!?” The Joker’s portrayal was realistic, and based on what Nolan wanted. Heath did a stellar job of executing the Nolan Joker. For the Nolan Joker is a version of the Joker, and is not the comic Joker. So why degrade Heath's performance when it was never meant to be the "comic-like" Joker?
Many People also complain about Nolan taking loop holes to solve problems. In some cases yes, but for a reason. A movie is fast paced and easy to understand, and making some things lengthy would ruin its purpose. But all of those short cuts are easy, and make sense. And that’s all that matters to the movie goers. Nolan seems to be making movies for the people, and not the critic that makes himself feel better by pointing out the obvious.

Many articles I find show picky people eating at parts of a movie that are easily explained or were put that way for a purpose. People try and prove that The Dark Knight is not a perfect movie, and it isn't. But when put side-by-side with other CBM's, it is far superior. In my mind the most overrated and flaw filled movies are that of the new run on the Avengers characters. Were too busy complaining about The Dark Knight that we don't see the flaws in other movies. No movie is perfect, it is just a matter of which one is better, and The Dark Knight is Superior. In the end people should stop complaining about The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight was hyped up because of Heath Ledger's death, but the hype was worth it, because The Dark Knight is a great movie. It was hyped up, but not successful because of Heath's death. Is it Overrated, No! It deserves every bit of its reconization, because the movie was great, and Heath was great. People went to see the movie because they heard it was great, and they also heard the news of a great portrayal by Heath Ledger. So in the end we need to stop complaining about a great movies great success and move on.

Thank you, and feel free to express your opinion on the matter.
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BigK1337 - 7/19/2011, 12:59 PM
The movie is overatted by how people acted like it IS the greatest comic book movie.
Its just a great movie period; but it didn't really made a major impact to comic book movies like how Batman Begins did.
BrotherQStark - 7/19/2011, 1:02 PM
Overrated, how can people just say this is the greatest comic book movie ever, its more like a crime thriller to me. I'm saying it just got hyped up so far and we have a lifetime of comic book movies ahead of us so lets see how far it can carry the torch
marvel72 - 7/19/2011, 1:09 PM
overrated it doesn't have the feel of a comic book movie this is why i prefer burtons batman films & most other comic book movies to it.

its good but nowhere near as great as some like to think.
HAQ - 7/19/2011, 1:12 PM
Greatest comicbookmovie thus far, period. No need to argue.
CorndogBurglar - 7/19/2011, 1:13 PM
in your conclusion part, you said the movie was great about 3 times. give some examples, man.

anyway, what Marvel movies have been flawed so far? Please explain which ones and why.
thunderforce - 7/19/2011, 1:15 PM
It was crap , the whole idea of a superhero movie is to get away from the real world when we all know if this were real he would be dead in 2 weeks . far too dark for me .
XxBatmanCrusaderxX - 7/19/2011, 1:27 PM
yet another odd reason...

I will make an article explaining Marvel's flawed movies...there is too much to explain now.
fattieacid - 7/19/2011, 1:35 PM
@thunderforce.. you're a pussy...
TayDee - 7/19/2011, 1:58 PM
Its overrated but its still a great movie.

And idgaf what anyone says, Heath as Joker was brilliant. He may have not been the joker you know from the comics or whatever it is people bitch about, but his portrayal was great!
Minotauro - 7/19/2011, 2:00 PM
@Marvel 72 @ Anonymous - Typical response.

When it all ends, Nolans Bat Trilogy will go down as the "BEST" comic book related films in history. When people refer to Nolans batman films, they will say it's "THE" trilogy of comic books. ;D
DocMartin09 - 7/19/2011, 2:04 PM
I loved The Dark Knight but I believe it must be viewed alongside Batman Begins. Thats why TDKR has so much weight on its shoulders. It will make or break the legacy of this trilogy. Just like Jedi, it wasn't the best of the trilogy but it did the job. From 2012 on people will look at the trilogy as a whole, not individual films. Much like they do with the original Star Wars films. We all have a favorite but the trilogy is what we think of.
Minotauro - 7/19/2011, 2:06 PM
@DocMartin09 - You're spot on.
95 - 7/19/2011, 3:00 PM
It's not overrated, it't not underrated. This film deserves all the praise it gets. Not more, not less. "Perfect" is to the eyes of the beholder.

Not many of you seem to study film, nor know how to develop an interesting film if offered the opportunity.

And this whole "realistic" argument... if you just read a couple of books on screenwriting, you'd know that "drama is life with the boring parts cut out".
Ethic - 7/19/2011, 3:03 PM
I love the film, always will.
I could watch it everyday.
That's not to say it's perfect, or that it's the best way to tell Batman, but it is the best so far in my opinion.

And I would agree its the based comic book film that we've had because it's original, massively entertaining, and has amazing characters.
Hell it had the best mix of people involved out of every CBM thus far.

It has it's own magic.
But I can totally understand when people point out plot holes etc, or if they think it's over-rated in general.

JBM - 7/19/2011, 3:07 PM
the Jim Gordon fake death scene was non suspenseful and another unnecessary sub plot. why would he take a bullet for the mayor that looks like anthony weiner?
- or the fact that it feels like ur watching CSI: chicago w/ a whack batman thrown in there,
-chris nolan subconsciously knew if he shot this to please batman fans, he wouldn't get the praise or the financial backing to shoot inception. So he tried to take viewers on the greatest adventure ever, filled w/ stupid subliminal messages, & terrible dialogue.
- he makes batman wanna quit because he doesnt wanna kill people... batman is a super hero with a dark side, that is why he is the most popular comic book hero... also he makes batman wanna quit fighting crime in gotham so he can settle down w/ rachel dawes... she rejected him because batman is not suppose to be a pussy
dmm5 - 7/19/2011, 3:07 PM
Haters gonna hate, Nolan's trilogy is THE trilogy of CBMs. And people saying it's just a crime-thriller, that's what Batman is! He solves crimes! There's suspense and adventure because he's a superhero too! Overrated? That term is just stupid. Just because it was the most successful CBM (financially and critically) and set the bar higher for those dark comic book characters. This coming from a Marvel-fanboy :)
Ethic - 7/19/2011, 3:09 PM
"he makes batman wanna quit fighting crime in gotham so he can settle down w/ rachel dawes"

Because no human being would ever consider something like that in his position?
JBM - 7/19/2011, 3:11 PM
not to mention chris nolan is terrible at shooting action scenes, he edits them like its a 15 second commercial and u never see anything.
--too many minor unnecessary characters that took away from batman, the joker, scarecrow and two-faces screen time.
-- and what kinda ending was that?? "he's a Dark kinght" um okay, over time people see this movie for what it is- terrible.
95 - 7/19/2011, 3:33 PM
@JBM ~ Nolan's camerawork comes off as choppy with Batman's action scenes to provoke the sense that Batman is moving so fast you can't see him. It's his speed, his ability to move through the dark that allows him to take out a group of enemies. Simply filmmaker's technique ;)
JBM - 7/19/2011, 3:52 PM
@Despero - so then why does batman get his azz kicked by "teenage extra joker guys" in the middle of a ball room dance floor?? - everyone gets what nolan was going for, but it came out terrible and all the action scenes r too close in and u cant see shyt... even in his car scenes those r shot awful
JBM - 7/19/2011, 4:02 PM
batman begins batman would have swooped down from up above and taken out the joker and his "whack teenage ganga played by extras that arent real actors" instead of appearing right beside the joker to deliver a hollywood "joel schumacher type" line "well, then you're gonna love me", while risking the lives of his childhood love and all his friends at the party, then he goes onto to not use his grapple to save rachel???? , they fall 40 stories onto a semi truck and nothing happens... but harvey dent falls off 2 stories at the end of the movie and o he's dead i guess!!
gamecreatorjj - 7/19/2011, 4:11 PM
@JBM you are one of those people who go into a movie, wanting to hate, you already made up your mind before you saw it so, when you saw the film you saw flaws that werent there, every REAL complaint you have is debatable, if they fixed all you issues you would find something else to complain about, you know you subconsiously like the film, you just want to hate to stand out, I used to be like that
95 - 7/19/2011, 4:19 PM
@JBM ~ I'm not defending Nolan, just explaining the technical side of it. Personally I thought the scenes were shot well, some weird angles for the cityscape shots, but it looked great in IMAX.
Batman72012 - 7/19/2011, 4:20 PM
@JBM Just go watch the very unfaithful Burton "Batman" since we can tell that's your ideal Batman film to watch.
JBM - 7/19/2011, 4:33 PM
@gamecreatorjj - i love batman and comic book movies - i liked batman begins- and i was anticipating this movie as much as anyone, it wasnt until i saw the movie a few times that u realize how flawed it is... and as a batman fan i was pissed how they deluded all these legendary iconic DC comic characters, and i'm shocked how much praise this movie gets... so your analysis of me is wrong and u obviously didnt even read my previous comments.-- its nolan that created a "realistic batman world" but yet the script he wrote doesnt fit in the boundaries of the world he created... i have multiple beefs w/ this movie, which is why im saying its terrible and overrated, i'm not a prejudice movie goer in anyway... and of course no one that likes this movie ever has an intelligent response to my comments, other then "hey, this movie is awesome, it made a billion dollars, its a masterpiece" so delusional
alucard365 - 7/19/2011, 4:43 PM
The Dark Knight and Batman Begins are the best films based off a comic book period, and yes no film is perfect.
x2SMONEY - 7/19/2011, 5:14 PM
As a comic book movie, even though its by far the best, its very good. But you have to look at it not as a CBM but as a film. The general reception was 4 stars by people who rate movies for a living. TDK a great CBM, but its an even better film overall. Its ranked in the top 15 on IMDB. It won academy awards. It was one of the most succesful movies of all time. Comic Book fanboys have to stop bashing it because its to dark or gritty or realistic.Its a fantastic movie. Period. People love to just bash movies that are popular and great to feel different and like they have an opinion thats above the average persons.
ChromaCut - 7/19/2011, 6:19 PM
It was a phenomenal movie yes, but it is Overrated. Nolan is trying so hard to make the perfect real world CBM he needs to realize a CBM shouldn't be based in the real world, To Be Honest, I want a Batman with Killer Croc, and all those guys who cannot be in this franchise because Nolan is trying to do the real world movie. That also means no Superman tie-ins whatsoever and to do so would completely ruin what he has, a Seven year long lasting franchise of a Real world Batman and I just cannot wait for Zach Snyder's Superman to be rebooted and Chris Nolan's Batman to be rebooted so they can get along with starting up the whole DC universe and we can get one EPIC JLA movie here.
gamecreatorjj - 7/19/2011, 6:19 PM
@ JBM just to say sorry for kind of going of, it was sorta un called for, any way, I have seen the Dark Knight about ten times, 3 times in theaters and about seven on DVD, everytime I see it i like it more, the flaws are outweighed by the rest for me, it doesnt matter how much it makes, I love Warzone (kind of stupid, but oh well) and it did awefull, I loved Green Lantern and it under preformed, he never created a relastic world, he created a grounded world for batman, from batman begins, you had
Fear Gas
Water Vapor Machine (without evaporating water in humans)
Memory Fiber
Ninja Shadow Clan

you cant hate a movie on the basis of its not realistic, if it isnt even a realistic world, Bane will have venom in TDKR, you must accept a film for what it is to truly enjoy it, which is why i didnt enjoy Thor, and when i see it again on DVD, my mind will most likely be changed
kong - 7/19/2011, 6:45 PM
When the fan of the dark knight including me say it's realistic they mean compared to not just burton and smachuer or whatever his name is movies oit's compared to every CBM that's existed, even those old 1940's ones.

@JBM stop being a pussy

@xxBatman Cusaderxx i love the artcile. At first i though it would be one of the articles where you point out all the flaws and say it suckes, but really i enjoyed it.

And it's not overrated. Heat is the best Joker there will ever be. Chris Nolan and Chris Bale were the best for these films. And...

I'm stopping i was about to go intruder on y'all

golden123 - 7/19/2011, 7:22 PM
Okay, The Dark Knight was not realistic, yet it is my favorite superhero film. Just because I say it isn't realistic doesn't mean I'm bashing it.
sonofsamadams - 7/19/2011, 7:38 PM

its the most realistic Comic book movie we've had to date.
golden123 - 7/19/2011, 8:44 PM
@Justsomeawesomeguy: I don't know about that. I don't see how Burton's Bat flicks were much less realistic than Nolan's Batman movies. The microwave emitter doesn't affect humans, average cell phones can be turned into sonar/radar (I foreget which one) devices without being physically tampered with, the cape acting as a hang glider, two-face not dying from an infection, the bat grappeling gun, and the fear gas vs. Bleached skin, Joker venom, the grappeling gun, and that is all I can think of considering I never saw Batman Returns, but then again there is the Penguin's with rockets on their backs and the superpowered rocket umbrella.
MoonDoggyX - 7/19/2011, 9:47 PM
Just because someone didn't like the movie doesn't mean they are haters. Its not my favorite cbm either, and I also liked Begins better... with that said, I respect that nolan's batman movies are technically the best cbm's ever in spite of where they fall on my personal favorites list...

They are top notch in almost every category. Cast, acting, direction, action, story, sfx and financial success... what other movie can honestly hold a candle to this series in these categories...?
gamecreatorjj - 7/19/2011, 10:02 PM
@justsomeaweosmeguy, nope, Kick Ass is the most realistic, why do people forget Kick Ass
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