Lex Luthor NOT in the Next Superman? Please God, Let it be TRUE!

Lex Luthor NOT in the Next Superman? Please God, Let it be TRUE!

I guess in the next Superman movie, Lex will be busy running for President....

By saintc - Jan 06, 2009 12:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Superman
Source: Latino Review

Latino Review maintains that Lex Luthor will not be in the next Superman movie. This may be dude to WB not wanting him any more or Kevin Spacey schedule issues. This is only a rumor folks, so don't poop your selves...

I'm actually quite fine with Lex not being in the next Superman movie, I mean damn, the dude needs a break.

They're saying another villian might take the lead such as Doomsday(sweet, but could come off cheesy), Braniac(awesome, as long as it's Geoff John's Braniac), or any other person that got the crap beat out of em by the man of steel... Me Not Want Bizzaro...

Cinema Blend reported it's worry on this "out on a limb" villian testing stating, "sure it worked for Batman with Scarecrow, but that was the begining of an untested franchise. I don't think the introduction of a villian that only fan boy geeks know about into a running series will work well." Well Cinema Blend... It's called hope, and that's all us fan boys have. I wanna see Doomsaday kill some sh*t, and Braniac....bottle... some sh*t...

Unlike Cinema Blend, who stated Brandon Routh was so boring Lex and Parker Posey were the only anticdote for the movie, I oppose Lex being in the next big Superman Feature. Yes, he does rule, but give someone else a chance to try and kill the man who cannot be killed and then get their plans foiled and the crap beat out of em'! Thank you... -saintc

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ryanallen - 1/6/2009, 2:11 PM
Even if he's not the villain the movie is centered around, I would still like to at least see Lex in the next movie. I also hope that they don't do overkill with the action in the next film to try and compensate for no fight scenes in the last one. Whoever writes and directs it, please be smart about it....
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 1/6/2009, 3:26 PM
I echo ryanallen on both points. I think Superman should be rebooted for numerous reasons I won't get into. I think Lex should be in but not as a main villain. He should be a sort of background figure that crops up everywhere or a puppetier who remains hidden from Supermans view. His company should feature more heavily than Lex himself.

On the action side, the film shouldn't be one long slug-fest. I think we need to see Supermans vunerable side, not kryptonite, his need to protect EVERYONE and the impossibility of that. We do however need a villain that can give and take some beatings, Doomsday is my choice. I loved the recent animated film and think alot can be done using the begining of that as a starting template. So I guess we don't need MORE action, just a different TYPE of action.

These are just the ramblings of one guy but like ryanallen said "Whoever writes and directs it, please be smart about it...."
FrankGarret - 1/6/2009, 3:31 PM
I rather like Lex. Hope he is in the next movie.

Corporate, machiavelian Lex, that is. Not gigolo, mad scientest, realstate Lex.
MarkCassidy - 1/6/2009, 3:51 PM
yeah id still like to see him..along with Routh as Supes! A new Lois would be nice though..and kill off the kid in the first 5 mins! Im cool with a new director too, although i really think if Singer did decide to do the next movie he would really step it up a notch like he did with X2

Villain wise..Brainiac or Darkseid or Doomsday..really dont want to see Metallo or Bizzaro
SupermanReturns2 - 1/6/2009, 4:04 PM
rorschach01: "....and kill off the kid in the first 5 mins!"

Yeah! Now, THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!
SoulAllFlush - 1/6/2009, 4:16 PM
just because Lex might not be in the next film it is no guarantee that we'll get a superpowered villian. Remember Superman III with it's fake Lex and nonBrainiac computer.
Scottymagic - 1/6/2009, 5:06 PM
I dont think not having lex in the flick is a good thing. Sure it makes it more likely we'll get to see him hit something and have another supes villain captured on film but for me not having lex in a superman films like not having Gordon in a Batman one...OK Gordons not a villain and you could do it without him but why would you want to when hes such a strong secondary character...he needs to be in it in some form just...not whacky real-estate wig wearing lex thats all.
saintc - 1/6/2009, 5:15 PM
I definately want Lex in the film... but enough of him being the main villian. You can have ivals, but movie franchise wise, u can't have the same movie 15 times, damn, give someone else a try to get beat up. Yeah... kill off that little bastard... I would love to see John's Braniac, as u can tell, I am a big fan! Bizarro would be cheesy, I said that as a joke. Dark Seid would be beastly but I know he'd be all CGI and stuff... so would Doomsday, but ti would be great to see Supes die, and maybe he'll be reborn with that mullet...
TheSoulEater - 1/6/2009, 5:44 PM
JonnJonzz - 1/6/2009, 5:55 PM
In the event of a reboot, which I personally would be agree with, definately agree with the consensus that L.L should be involved in some capacity. Would be quite happy for there to be a similar formula as the current Batman franchise, where the first film concerned lesser known cannon villians leading up to the Joker in the second film. Think Lex should play a devious, shady but more behind the scenes but legitimate corperate role with another villain being the main protanganist (possibly Parasite or Metallo). Alternatively, they could also establish Inter-Gang with high tech weaponary leading to Darkseids appearance at the end and as the villain in the sequel.

Coincidently caught The Mummy on TV tonight (hear me out.....) and thought the actor that played the mummy (Arnold Vosloo)would look good in a power suit potraying L.L!!! Not too sure about his acting chops and whether he could pull it off but definately has the right look-a modern day Lex who looks like he can handle himself physically and intimidating physical presence as well as the brains which past Lex's IMO haven't possessed.
BuckyB7588 - 1/6/2009, 5:59 PM
ummm if you said "me not want Bizzaro" that means you want Bizzaro.
BuckyB7588 - 1/6/2009, 5:59 PM
ummm if you said "me not want Bizzaro" that means you want Bizzaro.
BuckyB7588 - 1/6/2009, 5:59 PM
ummm if you said "me not want Bizzaro" that means you want Bizzaro.
BuckyB7588 - 1/6/2009, 5:59 PM
ummm if you said "me not want Bizzaro" that means you want Bizzaro.
BuckyB7588 - 1/6/2009, 5:59 PM
ummm if you said "me not want Bizzaro" that means you want Bizzaro.
MarkCassidy - 1/6/2009, 6:12 PM
haha, yeah bucky i didnt catch that. jonnjonnz i think i see what you mean about Vosloo..he looka a bit like the animated universes Lex..not sure he would have the acting chops though
Shaman - 1/6/2009, 6:33 PM
Well since Vosloo sucks, just hire his twin Billy Zane. He's got the skills.
destined2B - 1/6/2009, 6:46 PM
how about myxlplix,or solomon grundy
Inohaku - 1/6/2009, 7:17 PM
Bring a new villain and keep Lex doing his under the table dirty business. But Spacey probably won't like the idea of NOT being the main villain, we'll see how "humble" he can be hehe.
saintc - 1/6/2009, 7:37 PM
I know it means I want Bizarro, but I was making a joke. I love Bizarro, but not movie wise, i was being sarcastic when I said that. A little bit of off wall, off topic sarcasm... Damn it guys! Lol!
Talontd - 1/6/2009, 7:40 PM
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if they bring on Doomsday, and have Lex as a secondary (background) villian.....This movie could just be perfect!

They just have to do one more thing....

....cast TOM WELLING AS SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!
SupermanReturns2 - 1/6/2009, 8:32 PM
Talontd: "...They just have to do one more thing....


...and you were doing sooo well.
MarkCassidy - 1/6/2009, 9:25 PM
lol, yeah im not getting into another debate on that issue! But i have to admit, Smallville season 8 has been very good so far..yeah they still have all the soapy teeny elements but Mr Welling has been impressive..but to play Supes on the big screen? Naaaaaa
Darriann - 1/6/2009, 9:35 PM
My choice for a good villain would be Darkseid,but it would have to take up at least 2 movies to do it right.
GUNSMITH - 1/6/2009, 10:57 PM
TheSoulEater - 1/7/2009, 12:08 AM
Must you yell everything?
WeaponX - 1/7/2009, 12:54 AM
They need to do something new. I'm sort of tired of Lex Luthor. The movie version, I mean, where he surrounds himself with bumbling fools and hatches hair-brain relater schemes.

I've always dug Michael Rosenbaum's Lex. If Lex needs to be in the film, he should be a co-villain. Lexcorp's influence should be littered all over Metropolis and deep into secret government military projects.

They should also curb the pining after Lois Lane. It's been done to death. Especially after Returns. Just have them secretly dating already. That would skip a big chunk of bullshit.

With a proper Lex it would be cool to see him discovering War World hovering behind the moon with some of his companies secret military technology. His role as a co-villian would be behind Mongol's role as the main villian. Lex schemes to have Superman face Mongol on War World and lose, then as part of a deal previously agreed upon by the two, Lex would pretend to be the savior of humanity by warding off the War World attack. In his bid to discredit Superman and to live his dream of being the one humanity looks to.

Something along those lines that would offer the chance to see the real Lex Luthor and a situation that Superman would have to use his strength in a real scrap. Maybe he gets imprisoned on War World and goes through a Gladiator type scenario using his powers in inventive and damaging ways until the big showdown between him and Mongol. Give Superman the chance to do something that makes you go "OK, now that was cool."
andyoung2002 - 1/7/2009, 3:52 AM
if they do doomsday like they did abomination i don't see him as coming off as cheesy. I firmly believe doomsday is exactly what we need in a superman movie. I cant stand to watch superman get beat up by thugs or Lex, kryptonite be damned, getting beat up by nobodies is degrading and not fun to watch. i want to see a fight where his life is on the line where he truly has to give it his all and fight to near death to finish him.
Watching him lift planes and mountains is one thing but seeing him slug away at an unstoppable monster is exciting. I want to see superman BE superman. Less soap opera more fighting.
theFACE - 1/7/2009, 4:30 AM
i do think they should keep Lex in the film, but in an indirect manner. For example, if they decide its time for lex to run for president, then they can have posters on the streets (or banners) and interviews with lex on the tv in the background. This way he will still be in the movie with the possibility of him returning as a main villain with a fresh story in the sequel.

The great thing about doing things this way is that he's still on Superman's mind, he'll be wondering what Lex's up to (perhaps to much), leaving room for a new villain to sweep in and create some havok.

Just to re-iterate a few of our general feelings:
>The kid should NOT be in the next movie - i'm not sure many of the non comic fans remember, so mabye they should just ignore him and just assume it never happened.
>I dont think Routh did a bad job i just think the story was terrible, so i'm not opposed to him returning (would like him to be bigger).
>Personaly i would choose Tom Welling
>Why does Superman need only one super villain, give him a couple, he's the man of steel for god's sake. if Batman can have 2 per movie, i'm sure Superman can handle at least 5. Maybe 5's to much for one movie but you get my point.
theFACE - 1/7/2009, 4:33 AM
P.S. Maybe we should pool some of our ideas and send them to WB. Just to give them some idea of what needs to be done.
GUNSMITH - 1/7/2009, 5:16 AM
Jib7z - 1/7/2009, 5:10 PM
Doomsday or Bizarro. Definitely. That would make a good superman movie. Lex needs to be in there though, even if only in the background.
don1 - 1/7/2009, 5:48 PM
you know they dont need a well known villain for superman,hes known worldwide already,they could create a villain just for the movie(although i would love to see doomsday)or even Zod from the very first movie
ThunderCougarFalconBird - 1/8/2009, 3:51 AM
grif, I agree with you but at least we have a better shot with WB giving us what we want than we do with the Comic-movie ass raping Fox seems to be into lately!

The comic movies of 2008 should have shown them one very important thing; make these movies for the fans! Not glitzy, glossy middle of the road formulations to appeal to the masses! The evidence is in Iron Man and Dark Knight. Ok, so Iron Man was a little glossy but thats what he is! Dark Knight screamed "[frick] the masses lets make a really good film for batman fans" and we all know how that turned out!

In short, a film should be made to be the best it can be, not to sell as many tickets as possible. If the 1st is achieved then the second will come naturally.
SirJediFrank - 1/8/2009, 10:18 AM
Doomsday SHOULDN´T BE in the next Superman movie we see (rebooth or sequel to Returns) THE MAIN VILLAIN, BUT AS A CAMEO at the very end of the movie, just like the comics 1 or 2 months prior to the Death of Superman Saga showed him..(i don´t remember who but someone here in another article proposed a similar idea before and i agree.)

If they show his fist smashing his prision-pod, say, at the beginning of the movie and later at the middle of the movie and finnally at the end, I THINK IT WOULDN´T WORK cause you have the cameos but whitout doomsday.. so just a cool powerful cameo at the end and then one year later show a little more in the teaser for the sequel of that.......mmmmh cooooooool. ;-)
ryanallen - 1/8/2009, 2:39 PM
Please keep Routh, just get a decent writer. They shouldn't immediately reboot, I loved Superman Returns. But I think Braniac or Doomsday are great ideas for villains.
SupermanReturns2 - 1/9/2009, 5:30 PM
If the franchise is to survive... It's best they go for the movie adaptation of The Doomsday story, and this is why...

Since fans were left with a less than pleasing storyline from Superman Returns, say Doomsday comes forth from the depths of what was leftover from New Krypton in SR... He goes on a tear, and killing everthing in sight including Richard White, & Superbastard. As Doomsday wages war against him, Superman, in victory, loses his life (?!) as a cliffhanger, leading to the next films about his rebirth and true return, in the mean time, the second sequel can introduce newer foes, Brainiac, Bizzaro, etc. and the new Superman, whether friend or foe, leaves you awaiting the Ultimate Superman.
With great writting, this can be accomplished, and the two sequels can be filmed simultaneously, ala The Matrix films, including proposed cliff-hanger, at the end of the first sequel.
LEEE777 - 1/28/2009, 2:56 PM
YOUR THE MAN, SUPERMANRETURNS2 !!! Ive also said DOOMSDAY is the way to go!!! ; ) Oh an Roothie too!!!
LEEE777 - 1/28/2009, 2:57 PM
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