Out with the old and in with the new slate of DC/WB Films

As surely as a swift wind can change the landscape so too does the new formula at Warner bros. and DC. The time approaches for a new golden age in Comic Book Movies, with the Man of Steel here to usher in the change

Editorial Opinion
By inkslinger616 - Jun 11, 2013 01:06 PM EST
Filed Under: Superman

I believe it is safe to say that The Man of Steel will be a success and the possible keystone to build a cohesive DC cinematic universe. Now the task that Warner Bros. and DC have at hand is to make films for the other characters inhabiting their universe. More likely than not the first hero that Big Blue will come into contact with is going to be batman. Now we know that the Caped Crusader has the legs to carry a franchise on his own. The question is do we bring back Bale or do we do a total reboot.

I feel it will be in the best interest of DC to reboot the character and make him fit in this universe that Superman inhabits.I am not a Batman fan but I did go to the theater to watch two out of three of the Nolan Dark Knight films and I own the trilogy on DVD, do I think that Batman could have been done better? Yes, a thousand times better, but it was just nice to see bats on the big screen and I can't kid myself the thought of a World's Finest film has me as giddy as a cutter in a razor blade factory. If there is one thing the world can count on it is that a Batman/Superman team up movie would kill at the box office and put Marvel on their toes.

The real question still remains, Can DC/WB make good on the rest of their franchise characters? Does Wonder Woman have the tenacity to carry her own movie and be the first lead female protagonist in a CBM? or does the Flash have the recognition to be brought front and center for the Scarlet Speedster to make an impression in his own film? I mean, Green Lantern could have been great...should have been great, but the property was forced into less than capable hands and rushed into production so they could make a couple of dollars.

This seems to be the norm for the former guard at WB but with the release of Man of Steel I feel a change in the wind. With people that are ready to respectfully explore the rich history that these characters have. I have no doubt that within five films DC will once again be the Distinguished Competition to all things Marvel. They have already shown themselves more superior in the comic book and animation markets and they are poised to close the gaps in theaters as well.

However, they must be willing to make the hard decisions and gamble on the likes of Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, it is a huge risk and must not be taken lightly. With the right drive and the tenacity, I feel we can get a Justice League movie on par if not, dare I say, better than that of the Avengers. Well here is hoping for nothing but the best from both DC and Marvel in the coming years, one could argue that it is a good time to be a comic book fan. Stay nerdy my friends...
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MoonDoggyX - 6/11/2013, 2:51 PM
Obviously batman needs to be rebooted. Bale-man could work, but he was already broken in TDKR. Bats would have to be in kis prime to hang in the JL. At least whan they first come together.

The only other one that needs their own film would be Wonder Woman. The rest of the roster could be introduced in sequels. Like, Aquaman can be introduced in WW since they are both muth based. The Flash can be in a Supes sequel. The GL origin can actially be woven into the plot for the JL movie...
MoonDoggyX - 6/11/2013, 2:52 PM
Samne for martian manhunter...
halvor311 - 6/11/2013, 3:09 PM
OMG enough with the idiotic Marvel Vs. DC garbage!! Kevin Feige has said multiple times that he loved the Dark Knight trilogy and that he is rooting for all comic book movies to be successful!! If DC finally gets their properties on screen and successful and create their own cinematic universe, it's a good thing for Marvel b/c the genre itself is helped. Man, ridiculous these rivalries. What's good for one is good for the other.
WYLEEJAY - 6/11/2013, 3:12 PM
I'm waiting for the day we can get a DC or Marvel article, without biased useless bashing of the company not relevant to the article. Your talking about DC. What's the point of bringing up Marvel? Was a good read till I got to that.
AsgardianHobo - 6/11/2013, 3:17 PM
"They have already shown themselves more superior in the comic book and animation markets and they are poised to close the gaps in theaters as well."

I agree with you on the animation point, but if DC is mopping Marvel up in the comics department then why did Marvel have 14 of the top 20 selling comics in April 2013 and DC have 4?
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 3:17 PM
Here's the thing with WB's that no one notices or talks about. When you give tham a second chance, they blow it out of the ballpark.

Batman Begins was a second chance, Man of Steel is a second chance.

Bottom line: they learn from their mistakes.

Michael Jordan once said:

I've failed over and over and over in my like. That's why I succeed.

The difference between Marvel Studios and WBs is that WBs has failed, Marvel Studios hasn't and one may think that's a good thing when its not. Failure improves yourself and you learn from your mistakes. Both Fox & Sony has failed and its fair to say their learning too. Marvel Studios needs to fail epicly.

Now I think one care say no one cares about Jonah Hex. If that fails well who cares? Green Lantern failed but perhaps with a second chance, WBs will improve with GL.

Wonder Woman also failed on that TV pilot.

I think the DCCU is in good hands but I think they need Bruce Timm involved with just looking over the screenplays. Not hiring the cast but making sure the scripts are all good and make sense and fit in with the universe. I also think Bruce Timm should be more involved with the new Batman series.

All in all I believe DC is in good hands and the future is bright.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 3:20 PM
*in my life not like

[frick]ing iPhone
AsgardianHobo - 6/11/2013, 3:22 PM
You typed all that on an iPhone? Impressive
RLYHYPERGUY - 6/11/2013, 3:24 PM
@ LEVITIKUZ - That's a GREAT point! I never thought about it that way. I do think Marvel will eventually lose it's magic (NOT saying they're crappy movies or anything). I'm already starting to get a little tired of them.

It would be pretty cool if, in the long run, a DC Cinematic Universe would be more memorable than a Marvel one. Sure, Marvel will always win for coming first, but the fact that DC has failed leaves a lot of room for success.

In a weird, twisted way, failure is sort of better than success.

Thanks for the cool thought, LEVITIKUZ!
Minotauro - 6/11/2013, 3:38 PM
@Levi - Man of Steel at 70% is knocking it out of the ballpark??

Doesn't seem to good for future installments. But then again, I'm just jumping to conclusions.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 3:46 PM

Lets be honest, Man of Steel is and will be better than Smallville and Superman Returns man. The film can't be worse than Superman Returns. I'm talking in terms of Superman movies and in terms of Superman movies, Man of Steel looks better than the last three we've gotten. You can't deny that.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 3:50 PM
Also I tend to stay away from RT. At the end of the day if I like it that's all that matters.

I will be honest I liked Iron Man 2, Batman Forever, & also X-Men 3. I like X-Men 3 mostly because Beast is my favorite X-Men. Who cares if someone dislikes it? As long as I enjoyed it that's all that matters.
NovaCorpsFan - 6/11/2013, 3:52 PM
People say Marvel Studios hasn't made mistakes. Kevin Feige worked on the following movies outside of Marvel Studios:
Spider-Man 3
X-Men 3
Blade Triniy

Pretty much all fans hate those movies. Feige's made the mistakes in the past to know what to do in the present. Also, I'm sure we all remember Iron Man 3 and Iron Man 2. Marvel Studios has made mistakes in the past. Kevin Feige has made mistakes in the past. Marvel Studios has learned not only from their own mistakes, but the mistakes of Fox, Sony and Universal. People say Marvel hasn't taken risks, all but one of their movies has involved a b-list hero. They took characters the general audience had never heard of and made them into the most popular characters in current cinema.

I hope DC/WB set up an amazing cohesive universe and I never even READ DC. All in all, we need to stop comparing these amazing companies and just accept that these characters are here for our enjoyment, not for arguing over.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 3:57 PM
Avi was way more in charge of Spider-Man than Feige. Also how involved was he? Did he have control? Richard Donner produced X-Men & X-Men Origins Wolverine.

We all know Feige's heavily involved in Marvel Studios but he isn't know for his films in the past probably because he wasn't heavily involved.
MoonDoggyX - 6/11/2013, 4:31 PM
@novacorpsfan - Iron Man 2 and 3 failures???? Saying they are bad is your opinion and u are welcom to it, but failures... C'mon man... Marvel studio's 2nd and 3rd highes gossing films. And if u don't like BOTH of them, apparently Feige didn't learn much between IM 2 and 3... Lol
MoonDoggyX - 6/11/2013, 4:33 PM
...and isn't X3 the highest grossing Xmen film...?
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 4:45 PM
But X3 got smashed by critics and fans. IM2 & IM3 didn't.

I like X3 though mostly as I said due to Beast.
KalElKent - 6/11/2013, 4:54 PM
@LEVITIKUZ did you not see Captain america (1990) or the Punisher(1989) the fantastic 4 (1994)? Marvel has failed so much in film mostly every movie they put out has been garbage(hulk movies) to decent the only movies considered to be good are Spiderman 1, Ironman 1, & blade 1.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 4:55 PM
I'm mostly talking about MARVEL STUDIOS MOVIES not Marvel's movies.
KalElKent - 6/11/2013, 5:09 PM
those kiddy flicks suck too quality wise but financialy they are successful
WYLEEJAY - 6/11/2013, 5:09 PM
Can we count AKA Jessica Jones as a fail? You brought up Wonder Woman Levi. What about Del Torro on the Hulk show. Seems like a fail to get the busiest guy to do a show he doesn't apparently have time for right? I love his stuff, don't get me wrong, but it was a mistake to try to bring him on for a Hulk tv show.
MoonDoggyX - 6/11/2013, 5:16 PM
Since when does critics and fans bother fox??? Why did we get -men first class??? Because Batman Begins showed Fox that CBM's can be taken seriously by critics, fans and the general audience alike. The Iron Man, who outgrossed all the Xmen films on his first outing, showed that even unknown heroes can be successful when done respectfully. Then The Dark Knight showed them that a CBM can make billions when done well considering it grossed more than any 2 xmen films combined...

Had it not been for those movies, the original xmen franchise would still be in full effect. With first class, fox tried a batman begins approach because tdk was king then... Now that avengers are hot, now we get days of future past.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/11/2013, 5:33 PM
If we consider Hulk show a failure, we consider Hellboy 3 a failure so you can see why I'm not saying its a failure.

Also the Hulk show was said to not be connected to the MCU.

Also has AKA Jessica Jones been on TV or shot a pilot like Wonder Woman did?
WYLEEJAY - 6/11/2013, 7:31 PM
@Levi. You sir, are absolutely correct! Marvel failed to even get a PILOT on tv! Thanks for pointing that out. :)
xcrementus - 6/11/2013, 8:01 PM
@Wylebay: Because they focused on Agents of SHIELD instead? Isn;t it better to go for the sure-fire pitch first? They can probably work Jessica Jones into the show at some point anyway
dxperry - 6/11/2013, 8:20 PM
Use Bale, Cavill, Ryan Reynolds and Joseph Gordon as Robin and u got a lot of characters. Introduce Wonder Woman and Flash. I know Batman is supposed to be older and hurt but Superman can help him somehow and we're good
WYLEEJAY - 6/11/2013, 9:20 PM
Lol. You must of missed the sarcasm.
EdgyOutsider - 6/11/2013, 11:31 PM
@Levi: Marvel Studios has failed, it's called Iron Man 2. I personally enjoy it but, it's definitely the worst of the bunch. Iron Man 3 gets shit but people hate on it cause of the twist with, The Mandarin and it did go overboard on the humor. After that, they find every excuse in the book to hate on it. So yes, Marvel Studios has made its share of mistakes but still maintained to keep their movies fun, exciting, funny and just overall good movies. Ever heard of a perfect movie? Me either. Everyone loved Marvel Studios until Iron Man 2, after that they've been getting tons of hate. In case anyone on this site hasn't noticed, The Dark Knight is not a perfect movie by any means (I won't go farther than that cause even though I love it, I do have a couple gripes about it and will surely be hated for it). I'm also of the opinion of while Agents of SHIELD looks like it can be a great show, bringing Coulson back is a mistake. Modeling Scarlet Witch after Saoirse Ronan is a mistake.

Okay, the Ronan comment is more beef I have than it is an actual mistake. Here's what I think will happen, after Avengers 3 there will be more movies but no more crossover movies. They'll acknowledge it as a share universe and there might be an appearance by one character in a movie that has nothing to do with their movie but, it could work for that specific movie. Not much of a crossover. I don't think Marvel will loose it's magic. Shit, Marvel Studios doesn't have the rights to Spider-Man, X-Men or Fantastic Four but those franchises (if Fantastic Four can be considered one) are getting more movies and they make bank. Not all Marvel movies are blockbusters (DareDevil, Elektra, both Punisher movies, both Ghost Rider movies (although if together, they could be considered Captain America success) and Howard the Duck) but, they get cash. Go to boxofficemojo.com to see for yourself. Not all the movies are responded well but nearly every Marvel movie has gone on to do well at the box office whether it got negative or positive reviews.

DC and Marvel is a rivalry I enjoy unless people take it to heart. It's fun. We wanna see both companies succeed. Shit, despite the fact I let my bias get the better of me, I want to see both succeed. DC has potential, they just have to take risks outside of Batman and Superman, hire the best people for the project and go for it. Shit, Rocket Raccoon and Groot are getting movies before The Flash and Wonder Woman. I understand they got more movies to worry about but, it's the closest to a franchise they have going on right now last I knew now that the, Harry Potter movies are done. Not only critically but also, they've got to put out movies that the audience, mainly the general audience responds well to. That's what gets box office numbers. People have said it before on the site, we're just ten percent of the audience. Do I think Warner Bros has learned from their lessons? Kind of. They're partially relying on the Nolan name to get people to see Man of Steel. It's their saftey net like the Marvel brand name is a saftey net for Marvel. DC needs to gain the magic and get people to see their movies as much as they saw Batman. If they can create a movie audience for The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, ect and make it work (they need to find someone other than Goyer to write Justice League) then they can find the magic Marvel has had for years now.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/12/2013, 5:03 AM
Iron Man 2 was not a failure. It was the highest grossed film of the Phrase 1 solo films and also way well received.

Marvel Studios has yet to fail and many think that's good when its not. Failure doesn't make you worse, it makes you better.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/12/2013, 5:05 AM

Get Gail, Johns (but make sure he doesn't have a large opinion), Dini, Timm, Goyer, Snyder, & Jon Nolan.
Forthas - 6/12/2013, 8:38 AM
WB is making a gargantuan mistake by not bringing Bale back as Batman. After hearing Goyer say that the Dark Knight movies are not in the same universe as Man of Steel, I have lost all faith in them because:

1) You already have a Batman that people connected with, it is going to confuse people as to whether or not this is supposed to be the SAME Batman as before. It has not been so smooth for Spiderman has it?

2)In order for a Batman movie to work with Superman, you have to make a movie with the gritty realism of Superman…So you are copying the Nolan anyway!

3)If a reboot of Batman does not go well…it could have repercussions on the future Justice League story and how fans accept it.

4) The opportunity cost that you will waste on all of the marketing that has ALREADY gone into the Dark Knight makes no sense if you are starting with a different Batman

5) If it is creatively doable, then I think it is what the fans want! When you don’t do what the fans want, you get Superman Returns!
NovaCorpsFan - 6/12/2013, 9:14 AM
I love when Crossbones turns up and writes his own editorials in the comments section.
inkslinger616 - 6/12/2013, 10:32 AM
@forthas...actually I think the fact that Webb did another origin of spidey helped disassociate his Spider-Man with Sam Raimi's by introducing a new Aunt May and Uncle Ben and leaving out Mary Jane I think it was pretty apparent to anybody watching the movie that this is a different Spidey entirely.
Forthas - 6/12/2013, 12:38 PM
@ inkslinger616
You are right! I should have fleshed out my comments a little better. What I meant is that if there is full reboot - meaning no NEW origin story - with Batman then that will confuse people. If they do 'reboot' Batman - origin story and all - then they run the risk of what happened with Spiderman where many people are asking why the need to reboot and many fans not only hesitant to accept the new version but also constantly comparing them to the Raimi version. So it is a no win scenario for Warner Brothers. Thanks for the clarification.
MisterMagurlypse - 6/12/2013, 12:58 PM
Like it or not the Nolan's Batman is done. I'm sure he'll have some input with a rebooted Batman flim. That shipped has sailed and it's on to a new Batman story.
EdgyOutsider - 6/12/2013, 1:48 PM
@Levi: Iron Man 2 was a failure as a movie in general despite being well received and I even enjoy it. It doesn't have to be a bad movie in general. It just needs to be not as good as the rest and if you pick out the right things, you can learn from the mistakes.
inkslinger616 - 6/12/2013, 2:04 PM
@Forthas...I believe a Batman reboot would be very well received by the guys like me that didn't dig Nolans trilogy but with Nolan so heavily involved as a creative consultant they are running the risk of more of the same and I want Nolan as far away from any new Batman as possible. But yes I am still waiting on my ideal Batman film the closest to ever come to that was Batman Returns
Forthas - 6/12/2013, 2:57 PM
@ inkslinger616

With all do respect...these movies are not made just for you...there is an audience that has to be considered...and what I see is that every time CBM"s try to create the "true" comic depiction of heroes, we get Green Lantern. While you may not like what Nolan did with Batman, the success is unmistakable and the broader audience has bought into it. You cannot tell me that the average movie goer does not like the Dark Knight movies. The audience ratings for that on Rotten Tomatoes are from 90%-96% approval. So what you are suggesting is that Warner Brothers should stake their chances on your "ideal" version of Batman in the hopes of audiences liking it. If it does not it will ruin the future of CBM's possibly for a decade if not longer. I appreciate that there are different versions of Batman to be told but now is not the time to be introducing them when there is at least the will to create a shared universe and you already have an established well received iteration of Batman.
LEVITIKUZ - 6/13/2013, 9:56 AM

How is Iron Man 2 a failure when it was well received by critics, the public, and was the highest grossing Phrase 1 solo film.

I'm point stands.
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